Page 33 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 33


          GP7200 Engine LPC Overhaul Center Established in Singapore
          Pratt &  Whitney’s  Eagle Services  Asia   and world-class.” “We are excited to offer   as also the MRO work on the five-stage low-
          Pte Ltd (“ESA”), located in Singapore has   maintenance, repair and overhaul services   pressure compressor, fan hub, drum, blades
          been named by Engine Alliance (EA) as   for the GP7200 engine LPC,” said Kevin   and stator assembly. Heavy maintenance
          a center of excellence for GP7200 low   Kirkpatrick, executive director, Pratt &   on the GE90 and PW4000 engines, the two
          pressure  compressor  (LPC)  overhauls,  in   Whitney Aftermarket Operations, Singapore   designs which formed the foundation of
          support of  Airbus A380  operators. “With   &  Taiwan and managing director, ESA.   the GP7200 engine, are already being done
          ESA, we continue to build on the strengths   “The GP7200 and PW4000 engines’ LPC   by ESA. EA-powered A380’s are in service
          of our member  companies,” said Dean   modules have a lot in common. That’s why   since 2008 and 104 EA-powered A380s are
          Athans, president of the Engine Alliance.   this work is a natural fit for us. This will make   presently in operation around the globe: 73
          “Building the best engine for the A380 is   for  timely,  cost-effective  and  world-class   with Emirates, 10 with Air France, 10 with
          just the start. We’re committed to service   MRO services.” Disassembly, assembly and   Korean Air, six with Qatar Airways and five
          and support that are  both cost-effective   balancing of the LPC, will be handled by ESA   with Etihad Airways.

                                                                                by the airline and is the first contract
                                                                                between the two firms.  “We were won
                                                                                over by AFI KLM E&M’s solid reputation
                                                                                in Asia Pacific on the A330 market, the
                                                                                company’s regional and global presence,
          AFI KLM E&M to Support Malaysia’s Eaglexpress A330s                   and the solutions it offers,” said Captain
          Leading MRO provider, AFI KLM E&M will   support contract, includes  component   Azlan Zainal Abidin, CEO Eaglexpress
          support  Malaysian carrier  Eaglexpress   repair, access to AFI KLM E&M’s global   Air. Eaglexpress Air operates three
          Air’s A330 aircraft as part of a recently   A330 spares pool and a main base kit to   Boeing 747-400s and one A330-200
          concluded contract. Signed during the   be located at Jeddah.  The contract will   at present and has plans to acquire an
          Singapore Airshow,  the component   support six A330’s recently acquired   additional 12 A330s in the next 5years.

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