Page 38 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 38


        Turning Full Circle

        ON  jUNE 1ST, 2015,  THE mERGER  OF                                     to bring the systems together and become
        the former Air  China  Technik  and Ameco,                              even more efficient, we are still now working
        resulted in the new Ameco Beijing. Located                              in some areas on different systems as each
        out of Beijing, the new Ameco Beijing has                               facility has developed its own processes and
        10 other branches all over P.R. China. Dr.                              own standards.  They are good and stable
        Hans-Juergen Loss, Executive Director of                                processes in all facilities. Now we will to
        Operations at Ameco Division, in an interview                           bring the systems together and we will lead
        to Asian Airlines & Aerospace, says Ameco                               the new company according to a product
        Beijing  is  not  only  looking  at  Maintenance,                       oriented principles working with standard
        Repair and Overhaul (MRO) requirements in                               processes. This means not focusing so much
        China, but also the full spectrum of aircraft                           on the facility but focussing very much on
        overhaul for international carriers. Excerpts                           the product and the customer, that will give
        from the interview:                                                     us higher flexibility and quick learning. The
                                                                                challenge for the next two years is to really
        AAA: What are the developments that                                     offer the same services from any of our
        have been taking place at Ameco Beijing?  Dr. Hans-Juergen Loss, Executive Director of   facilities at a competitive cost.
        Loss: On the first of June 2015, we announced   Operations, Ameco Division, China
        the merger of former Air China  Technik                                 AAA: What are the investments
        (ACT) and Ameco which has resulted in the   increase of the  company, the share of   being allocated at Ameco Beijing?
        new Ameco Beijing.  The former AMECO   Lufthansa has reduced from 40% to 25%.   Loss: We are quite lucky in that the facilities
        with very few exceptions was doing MRO   Lufthansa has made a decision not to invest   that we have do not need basic investments
        work in Beijing only and ACT was present   any additional money in this new JV, but their   right now.  We can focus on investments
        in 10 airports and facilities around China.   engagement remains stable financial wise   that increase efficiency and are innovative.
        After careful discussions, the final step to   as well as management wise. Over the last   Our major investment now goes into our
        sign and found the new AMECO Beijing was   few years Lufthansa always had a team of   people.  We are involving them deeply in
        taken.  The new Ameco Beijing is based in   roughly 15 people from Lufthansa  Technik   specifying the processes. People are skilled
        Beijing  and  has  10  other  branches  all  over   group and not only from Germany. Lufthansa   and professional but we continuously have
        P.R. China. The new company remains a Joint   will from now on also have managerial   to invest in what really makes the big
        Venture (JV) between Air China Technik and   engagement in the Chengdu facility.   difference.
        Lufthansa.  Lufthansa has  invested in  this   We want to make this new company very
        JV for the last 26 years and there is an even   relevant to the market not only servicing   AAA:What is the work being done
        longer history in China.            the requirements of the China market, but   in China by Ameco Beijing?
           Now with the new set-up we have a   also  being  a  very  attractive  partner  for  all   Loss:  We have not done work outside
        company that has altogether 11,200 people   international carriers for the full spectrum   China and we have shown in the JV that
        which is spread out all over China. The two   of aircraft overhaul, line services, landing   we successfully cooperate with Lufthansa
        biggest facilities are located at Beijing and   gear, components and engines (limited to   Technik for example on modifications
        Chengdu and are quite experienced in doing   some engine types).        for CF-34, where Lufthansa  Technik
        third party servicing.  Different customers                             AERO Alzey GmbH (LTAA) does the HPC
        come  with  different  requirements  so  it is   AAA: What would your immediate   modification in Germany while we do
        important that we adapt quickly and this   priorities be over the next two   engine disassembly, assembly and testing
        long experience helps in this regard.   years for the new company?      in China. We also do share work in landing
           Lufthansa remains stable in its financial   Loss: The priorities for Ameco-Beijing over   gear overhaul with the Lufthansa Technik
        engagement with the JV but due to the   the next two years are clearly set: We have   facility in Hamburg.

        We want to make this new company very relevant to the market not only

        servicing the requirements of the China market, but also being a very

        attractive partner for all international carriers

        38   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MARCH / APRIL 2016                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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