Page 34 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 34



                                                                                Moog to Support Singapore
                                                                                Moog Inc. and Singapore Airlines, have
                                                                                signed a 12-year exclusive contract for
                                                                                comprehensive support of the Moog Flight
                                                                                Control Products on Singapore Airlines’
                                                                                fleet of A350 aircraft.  The program will
                                                                                include  maintenance  and  inventory
                                                                                support via Moog’s strategically selected
                                                                                worldwide stocking locations, giving
                                                                                Singapore Airlines 24/7 access to spares
                                                                                no matter where their aircraft are located.
                                                                                Moog, the OEM provider of the primary and
                                                                                high lift flight controls on the A350, offers
                                                                                a comprehensive suite of aftermarket
                                                                                support solutions for A350 customers. The
                                                                                Moog Total Support program is aimed at
                                                                                providing airlines with a comprehensive
                                                                                range of services for Moog products,
          AFI KLM E&M Unveils New Innovation Centre in Singapore                including inventory and maintenance
          AFI KLM E&M’s new innovation centre, The   “We are proud to extend our R&D   support. “We are delighted that Singapore
          MRO Lab Singapore, is now operational.   capability and anchor it in the heart of   Airlines selected the Moog  Total
          Staffed by locally-recruited experts, the   Singapore, one of the world’s greatest   Support  program for long term  logistics
          R&D centre, which is located in the centre   innovation platforms. In being able to   and maintenance of our products on
          of Singapore has been set up in conjunction   benefit from the combined expertise of   their fleet of A350’s,” said Mark Brooks,
          with Ramco Systems and is supported by   two acknowledged MRO sector players,   Moog’s  General  Manager  for  Commercial
          Singapore’s Economic Development Board   the MRO Lab Singapore will be able   Aircraft. Services. Singapore Airlines is the
          (EDB). The Lab will focus on strategic areas   to offer  in very short order innovative   flag carrier of Singapore and flies to 60
          of the MRO sector, ranging from technician   solutions that are likely to deliver real   destinations in over 30 countries around
          mobility to customer experience, internet   benefits to our clients.” Said Franck Terner,   the world. Singapore Airlines has 67 A350
          of things, Big Data applications, predictive   EVP  AIR  FRANCE  KLM  Engineering  &   on order and will take delivery of its first
          maintenance, to artificial intelligence.  Maintenance.                A350-900 in early 2016.

          ATI Business Group and Garuda Announce New Partnership
          Indonesian  flag  carrier  Garuda  has   achieve further efficiencies and enhance   to scale operations and focus on their
          announced a new partnership with the ATI   our value proposition in the midst of ever   core  competencies….,”  said  Brad
          Business Group to the  The Airline  Tariff    increasing  global  competition,”  said  Mrs.   Holman, Director of ATI Business Group.
          Publishing Company (ATPCO) system. The   Handayani, Director of Commercial of PT   The 15-year-old ATI Business  Group is
          new system will help Garuda Indonesia   Garuda Indonesia.            based out of Jakarta, Indonesia and
          in improving efficiency, and help further   “Fare filing processes are an integral   now offers full financial and accounting
          enhance growth and competitiveness of   part of any airline operations, whereby   support services, ticketing and refund
          the airline. “The partnership is amongst the   accurate and quality fare filing process   operations,  land  travel  distribution  and
          many concrete steps that we have taken to   management will help Garuda Indonesia   back-office IT developments.

        34   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MARCH / APRIL 2016                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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