Page 35 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 35


                                                                                Support and Services, Franck Saudo. Later
                                                                                in June this year, will be the first milestone
                                                                                for  the new offering, when the  launch
                                                                                customer will go 100% paperless and fully
                                                                                manage their engines through BOOST
                                                                                solely  with  the  e-engine  logbook.  Bristow
                                                                                Helicopters Ltd will also join the program
                                                                                this year.
                                                                                  BOOST offers the full integration of
                                                                                three key features:  The Electronic Engine
                                                                                Logbook, Electronic Technical Publications,
                                                                                Electronic  Configuration  Manager.  The
                                                                                Electronic Engine Logbook is directly linked
          Turbomeca Launches BOOST Online Engine Maintenance                    to the Interactive Electronic  Technical
          Management Service                                                    Publications tailored to the configuration of
          Turbomeca announced the entry into service   “Turbomeca is first aero engine   each customer’s engines and an Electronic
          of BOOST,  its new online engine  maintenance   manufacturer to propose such high level   Configuration Manager to track technical
          management service at the HAI Heli-Expo in   of features integration in an online engine   upgrades and modifications.  The Online
          Louisville, USA on March 1st.  A highly secured,   support application. The engine logbook is   Engine  Maintenance  Management  Service
          web-based application developed in association   like a health record. Having it online, fully   has been selected and is being deployed
          with IBM, BOOST (Bank Of Online Services &   integrated with the technical publication   by several customers such as Heli-Union,
          Technologies) will allow  Turbomeca-powered   and the configuration manager will help   HeliDax, Helicopters Italia and Advanced
          helicopter operators will access real-time,   to manage engine maintenance more   Helicopter Services.  The new online
          personalized engine data for their own fleet   efficiently. It brings significant value-added   service contributes to the airworthiness
          maintenance management, with the direct   benefits to  Turbomeca engine operators”,   and availability requirements of helicopter
          support of Turbomeca teams, 24/7.  said  Turbomeca Executive  Vice President   fleets, says Turbomeca.

          MTU Aero Engines Develops New Propulsion Technologies
          MTU Aero Engines, Germany’s leading   work  doesn’t  stop  at  developing  new   for the European aerospace industry,”
          engine manufacturer, has announced the   technologies for our high-pressure   explains Dr. Rainer Martens, Chief
          development of new technologies as a   compressor  and  low-pressure  turbine   Operating Officer at MTU Aero Engines.
          result of  its participation  Clean  Sky, the   modules, we also qualify new partners    Partners from industry and
          largest aviation technology research                                  research are participating in this sub-
          initiative ever launched by the European                              project  alongside  MTU.  Most  of  the
          Commission. In the pursuit of development                             new companies and institutes to join
          of new advanced aircraft and engine                                   MTU’s  innovation value chain come
          technologies,  innovative  propulsion                                 from Germany, but not all: some are
          system technologies have been developed                               based in the United Kingdom, Italy,
          and integrated into a demonstrator: MTU                               Austria and Sweden. “Our objective
          is responsible for SAGE 4 (Sustainable                                was to bring together the best in class,
          and Green Engines), one of five Clean Sky                             and that’s exactly what we’ve done,”
          engine demonstrators, which was tested in                             Dr. Jörg Henne, Senior  Vice President
          Munich in late 2015.                                                  Engineering and  Technology at MTU,
            Based on a geared turbofan engine,                                  sums up.  The outcome is a win-win
          the  demonstrator  incorporates  a                                    situation  for  both  sides:  “In  addition
          number  of  innovations,  including                                   to new hardware, we also gain new
          components  –  blades  for  example  –                                partners,” he explains. The cooperation
          that are made from new materials                                      under Clean Sky provides the partners
          and  feature  a  new  design.  New                                    with an opportunity to get a foothold in
          manufacturing techniques, advanced                                    the European aviation industry for the
          simulation methods and measurement                                    first time, or to establish themselves in
          techniques have also been tested.  “Our                               a specific segment of the industry.

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