Page 36 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 36


        InduStry neWS And uPdAteS

                                                      Deal, senior vice president,
                                                      Commercial Aviation Services,
                                                      Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
                                                      He added, “While the recovery
                                                      of the global cargo market
                                                      has been slow, we see demand
                                                      for freighters, such as the 737-
                                                      800BCF, that will carry express
                                                      cargo on domestic routes.”
                                                         The 737-800BCF is the
          Boeing Launches Next-              first Boeing conversion for the 737-800
          Generation 737-800 Freighter                                                                                               and will be able to carry up to 52,800
          Boeing has  announced the launch  of   pounds (23.9 metric tons) of cargo, across
          its Next-Generation 737-800 Boeing   2,000 nautical miles (3,690 kilometers).
          Converted Freighter (BCF). The airframer   It will be able to carry 11 standard   Work on Airbus A330 Completion
          has secured 30 firm orders and 25   pallets and one half-pallet on the main   and Delivery Centre (C&DC) in
          commitments from seven customers   deck, supplemented by two lower-lobe   Tianjin, China Underway
          for the 737-800BCF and delivery of the   compartments, providing more than 1,540   Airbus  has  commenced  the  start
          first freighter is scheduled for the fourth   cubic feet (43.7 cubic meters) of space for   of construction for its Airbus A330
          quarter of 2017.                   revenue-generating cargo. Modifications   Completion  and  Delivery  Centre  (C&DC)
              “The Next-Generation 737 provides   include installing a large main-deck   in  Tianjin, China, which is co-located
          exceptional value to express freight   cargo door, a cargo-handling system and   at the same site as the Airbus  Tianjin
          carriers through its superior payload,   accommodations for up to four non-flying   A320 Family Final Assembly Line and
          range, reliability and efficiency,” said  Stan   crew members or passengers.   the Airbus  Tianjin Delivery Centre. “This
                                                                                event is significant because the A330
                                                                                C&DC in  Tianjin is our first completion
                                                                                and delivery centre for widebody aircraft
                                                                                outside Europe. Airbus’ long-standing
                                                                                cooperation with China spans single aisle
                                                                                and now also widebody aircraft and we will
                                                                                continue to look for further opportunities
                                                                                in the future,” said Fabrice Brégier, Airbus
                                                                                President and CEO.
                                                                                   Airbus will assemble the A330 Family
                                                                                aircraft to be completed at the A330
                                                                                C&DC Tianjin  at Toulouse  following
                                                                                which all cabin fitting and painting work
                                                                                will be performed at the  Tianjin facility.
          Embraer Rolls Out E190-E2         Affonso, Senior Vice President Operations   The A330 C&DC  Tianjin will cover the
          Brazilian airframer Embraer rolled out its   & COO, Embraer Commercial Aviation.   aircraft completion activities including
          first E2 jet, the E190-E2 on February 25th,   Embraer  has  notched  up  firm  orders   cabin  installation,  aircraft  painting  and
          marking the successful roll-out of its second   for 267 E2s in addition to 373 options and   flight test, as well as aircraft delivery and
          generation E-Jets family of commercial   purchase rights. A total of nine prototypes   customer flight acceptance. Airbus, Tianjin
          aircraft. Embraer launched the programme   will be built, four as part of the E190-E2   Free  Trade  Zone (TJFTZ) and  Aviation
          for the 130 seat jetliner family in June 2013   certification campaign, two additional   Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) had
          with an investment of US $1.7 billion. The   planes will be built for the E195-E2 variant,   signed a framework agreement on setting
          first flight of the E190-E2 is scheduled for   whose entry into service is planned in   up an A330 C&DC in  Tianjin in 2014. As
          the second half of this year and entry into   2019  and three  more  will  be used  in  the   per Airbus’ 2015-2034 Global  Market
          service is being targeted for 2018. “The   E175-E2 campaign, which has an entry into   Forecast, the total market value for the
          rollout held today marks the completion   service date in 2020. The E190-E2 can be to   new aircraft forecasted to be delivered to
          of the assembly of the first E190-E2 and   accommodate 97 seats in dual class service   China is over US$840 billion. More than
          paves the way for the start of the tests that   or 106 seats in single class layout and will be   170 A330 Family wide-body jetliners are
          will lead to the first flight,” said Luís Carlos   able to distances of 2,800 nautical miles.   currently operational in China.

        36   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MARCH / APRIL 2016                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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