Page 29 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 29


        engine has a three stage fan turbine, 4   in fuel efficiency over current business jet   Silvercrest by saying, “In developing an
        stage axial and one stage centrifugal high   engines  would  deliver  30  per  cent  greater   engine which is quite new as is the case with
        pressure compressor driven by a two stage   range. The Silvercrest would also be far more   the Silvercrest,  they  (Safran)  detected in
        high pressure turbine resulting in a powerful   environment friendly with 15 per cent lower   the fine tuning processes some issues that
        yet highly efficient, clean and quiet business   CO2 emissions, 50 percent decrease in NOx   couldn’t be resolved in the current schedule
        jet engine with one of the highest thrust-to-  (oxides of nitrogen) and also deliver a ground   and as a result have to redesign a number
        weight ratios in its class. The first flight of   acoustic  footprint  that will  be  half  that of   of  parts.  They have already communicated
        the Falcon 8X took place on February 6. The   current engines in its thrust class. Moreover,   on the redesign of the gearbox and we have
        2015 test program proceeded in line with   Snecma had an impressive pedigree when   to redo the integration of the engine and the
        company  expectations,  with  test  aircraft    it  comes  to  design  and  manufacture  of   schedule is longer.” Replying to a question
        completing 250 missions representing 450   military aero-engines (M53 and M88) and   on compensation for the delay, he said, “In
        flight hours. Certification is planned for mid-  its highly successful partnership with GE as   terms of the contract it is beyond our worst
        2016 and the first aircraft should be delivered   part of CFM International (CFM 56 and now   nightmare, with 2 years of delay is quite a lot
        to customers  in the latter half of this year.   LEAP). According to Safran estimates which   and we are currently engaged in talks with
        Dassault  Aviation  had  already  commenced   forecast the delivery of 8,000 new aircraft   Safran on compensatory measures to cover
        interior completion work on five aircraft by   till 2030 for super-midsize, large and long-  our over costs. Penalties are to be applied
        the end of 2015.                    range models,  the  Silvercrest engine was   to on delivery of the aircraft or first  flight,
           Despite its longstanding relationship   planned to expected to achieve a market   which both have not taken place.” Extensive
        with Pratt & Whitney Canada, which extends   share of 25 to 30 per cent. Unfortunately,   ground and flight (FTB) tests have now been
        to almost four decades, Dassault Aviation   the development of the Silvercrest   underway on the Silvercrest, since last year,
        turned to Safran to power its Falcon 5X   engine has been bedevilled with technical   which year. Test engine have crossed 3,200
        with the revolutionary new-generation   and technological challenges, that have   hours of testing, including 310 hours in flight.
        Silvercrest jet engine that would easily   seen Snecma forced to postpone engine   At last year’s NBAA show held in November,
        power the 5X on non-stop Paris-Beijing   certification, by three years, from 2015   Cédric Goubet, Executive Vice President of
        or Los Angeles-London flights. Specifically   to 2018, a massive delay by any standard.   Snecma’s Commercial Engine division, while
        designed and built to power premium   SNECMA’s difficulties have forced Dassault   discussing the Silvercrest engine program
        business jets in the super-midsize category,   to temporarily freeze production  and  first   said, “Tests over the last six months have
        the  Silvercrest was  to deliver  unmatched   deliveries of the Falcon 5X are now slated to   nonetheless  showed  the  need  to  carry  out
        performance and efficiency in the 9,500 to   take place during the first-half of 2020.   additional development work to extend the
        12,000 lbs of thrust class for long-range, large-  Speaking to journalists at Dassault   engine’s operational life and performance.
        cabin bizjets in the super-midsize category.   Aviation’s annual press conference earlier this   In particular, this will entail achieving better
        The figures  being touted  were certainly   year, Eric Trappier, Chairman/CEO of Dassault   control over case distortion due to very high
        impressive; the 15  per cent improvement   Aviation, clarified the technical issues  on   temperatures.

                                                                                Dassault’s ultra-long range Falcon 8X
                                                                                tri-jet is powered by three PW307D
                                                                                engines from Pratt & Whitney Canada.
                                                                                European Aviation Safety Agency
                                                                                (EASA) certification for the PW307D
                                                                                engines was obtained on April 27
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