Page 30 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 30


        Pratt & Whitney Canada will deliver the
        PurePower PW814GA and PW815GA
        engines, for the Gulfstream G500 and
        G600 as an Integrated Power Plant
        System (IPPS), which comprises the
        engine, nacelle, and thrust reverser
        OPPOSITE PAGE:  GE’s Passport will
        power Bombardier’s Global 7000 and
        Global 8000 business jets and the
        engine uses a scaled down version of
        the CFM International LEAP core
           Unlike Safran, its partner  in CFM   Twin-Annular, Pre-Swirl (TAPS) combustor   share lessons learned as both programs
        International, seems to be having an easier   featuring additively manufactured fuel   progress through certification testing.”
        time with development of the all new GE   nozzles. The high-pressure turbine features   Just as the military engine pedigree
        Passport engine which makes use of a   ceramics matrix composite shrouds and   available with Snecma, the Passport
        smaller core the highly successful new LEAP   the blades in the low-pressure turbine are   and LEAP engines also have a military
        engine  developed  for  next-gen  passenger   made from titanium aluminide (Ti-Al).  The   background.  The “cores” which consists
        jets. The LEAP from CFM International, which   Passport is the powerplant for Bombardier’s   of the compressor, combustor,  and high-
        is a 50:50 joint venture between GE Aviation   Global 7000 and Global 8000 business jets.   pressure turbine, for both engines have their
        and Safran (Snecma) has already notched   “Passport is like a scaled version of the LEAP   roots in the GE F101 engine that powered
        up  in  excess  of  10,500  orders  for  all  three   core,” according to Shawn  Warren, general   the U.S.AF B-1 strategic supersonic bomber
        engine models. Amongst its key innovations   manager of the Passport program. “They are   in the seventies. Flight certification testing
        are; 3-D woven carbon fiber composite fan   very similar, which is great for both programs   for the engine began in December 2014
        blades and fan case, 4th generation three   because we not only share the differentiating   and company officials are confident of the
        dimensional aerodynamic designs and   technologies for cost savings, but we also   Passport obtaining U.S. Federal Aviation

            Keeping up with Expectations

                                                                                the integrity of the engine, not its ability
                                                                                to meet certification requirements, have
                                                                                been called into question,” and also added,
                                                                               “We are deploying all the resources needed
                                                                                to  meet our commitments  and  ensure
                                                                                that Silvercrest will be a success. These
                                                                                required improvements, along with the
                                                                                associated development plan, were
                                                                                agreed jointly with Dassault, and are now
                                                                                being deployed.” A new development
                                                                                timetable  for  the  Silvercrest  has  now
                                                                                been agreed to  by Dassault, which will
                                                                                require new demonstration tests as
                                                                                Snecma optimizes the design and produce
           Snecma completed more than 4,000 hours   but  have also showed the  need to carry   new parts, which are long lead-time
           of testing as part of ground and flight   out additional developments in order to   products. Based on the time needed for all
           tests (flying testbed) with the Silvercrest   extend the engine’s operational life and   endurance and cold weather tests leading
           engine in 2015, which included 500 hours in   optimize its performance. In an email   to  ground  and  flight  certification  of  the
           flight, and over 100 flights in all. The engine   response to Asian Airlines & Aerospace, a   propulsion system, certification is now
           has shown good operational performance   spokesperson for Snecma said, “Neither   expected in the spring of 2018.

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