Page 41 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 41


        the aircraft on the tarmac. Images of   capabilities of maintenance engineers   on-site to manage maintenance – it can be
        the aircraft  are  sent to maintenance   on the ground - ‘augmenting’ flight-  taken care of by using new technology.
        specialists for assessment - feeding any   line workers’ skills. IFS believes adding   Civil aviation organizations can achieve
        issues they see back to the engineer   cognitive  applications  and  voice-  realizable benefits by integrating these
        on  the  ground, who  can carry  out  the   controlled intelligent agents, similar to   emerging technologies into their business
        work promptly, resulting in quicker turn-  Siri, to wearable devices would further   and maintenance processes, which can
        around times. Google Glass may have   augment such workers’ skills, helping them   only be achieved with an agile software
        needed some rethinking for the consumer   identify and act on specific problems with   infrastructure in place that can adapt to
        market, but wearable technology offers   more autonomy.                 new business processes.
        substantial business potential.        Air quality sensor and barometer
           Another example is EasyJet, which   features help engineers monitor their   (Graham Grose is Industry Director for IFS
        equipped its engineers uniforms with   work environment and create a map of air   A&D)
        wearable tech to make them more     quality in different cities for passenger
        effective.                          information.
           LEDs were equipped in jacket hoods
        to  illuminate  work  areas  and  leave  both  Maintenance Drones
        hands free for aircraft inspections and   We are now also seeing civil aviation
        maintenance.                        organizations exploring the use of drones
           In-built  video  cameras  on  uniforms   for maintenance. Drone technology can
        allow remote diagnosis of technical   be used for damage inspection, scheduled
        issues - along with surround sound and a   maintenance, spare parts delivery or
        microphone for instant communication.  automating detection or defects.
           IFS is working with XM Reality™ to   The common factor here between   GE Aviation managed to consolidate
        bring forward a remote expert to assist   drones and wearable technology is that   hundreds of parts into a handful of
        in complex maintenance to broaden the   there doesn’t have to be a human engineer   components with 3D printing
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