Page 44 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 44


        Unshakable Themes

        Has the unthinkable happened and Boeing lost the “right stuff”?
        By Geoffrey Thomas

        CouLD aiRBus, CLeaR LeaDeR in the so-  forward. Boeing is too focused on shareholder   that the company would stick to its timeline
        called Middle of the Market (MOM) segment,   returns. Boeing needs to say enough. It’s time   of 2024/25 for the MOM Entry Into Service.
        launch a replacement for a market it already   to invest in the future,” says Aboulafia.  When asked if the US big three – United,
        dominates as Boeing dithers?           And Aboulafia references history to draw   American and Delta – which are making
           These are the unshakable themes   some parallels. “Interestingly in the bio on   record profits came to Boeing and said we
        surrounding commercial aviation’s hottest topic   the Boeing website for Harry Stonecipher,   want the MOM sooner than later and would
        coming out of the 2016 Farnborough Air Show.  former McDonnell Douglas President and   buy a hundred each if Boeing brought the
           The MOM is essentially a 757 replacement   CEO  and later Boeing  Chairman,  it lauds   program forward, the answer was that the
        with some growth between 230 and 270 seats   him saying ‘McDonnell Douglas’ financial   company would stick to its timeline.
        with around 5,000nm range and is expected   performance soared under Stonecipher, with   Of course, an orderly production plan is
        to be a twin-aisle aircraft with a 2-2-2 cross   the stock increasing from $18.48 just prior   essential, agrees Aboulafia, but he says the
        section and possibly slightly wider.  to his arrival  to more  than  $70 just  before   787s lessons have been learned and learned
           The most strident critic is Richard   the company merged with Boeing in August   well.
        Aboulafia  Vice President, Analysis at  Teal   1997.’”                    Boeing  has  fixed  all  those  design  and
        Group who says quite simply: “It’s all about   But says Aboulafia, the problem was in   production issues, argues Aboulafia, and
        what they [Boeing] should do and what they   1997 when McDonnell Douglas had nothing…  there is a very different management and
        are doing. And what they should do is launch   absolutely nothing new on the horizon.   board team in place.
        the MOM aircraft as quickly as possible and   “It lost the JSF competition and cancelled   And the hard yards have been done on
        build a world beater like they did with the   its MD-XX commercial program saying it   the 737 MAX and 787-10 and the 777X is well
        777. It’s tough to be optimistic about their   would require billions to fix the lack of R&D   advanced so engineering talent should not be
        willingness to build a new product no matter   over the previous 20 years. Is this where   a major issue.
        how promising,” laments Aboulafia.  Boeing is headed?” he warns.          Aboulafia warns Boeing that Airbus has
           There is no doubt the 787 problems have   Certainly there were very mixed   the  engineering  talent  in  abundance  after
        impacted Boeing’s thinking but Aboulafia   messages coming out of the Farnborough Air   the successful execution of the A350 XWB
        now  worries  that  the  company  is  “gun  shy”   Show with some senior Boeing executives   program. “And they have the cash to press
        and afraid to move decisively.      talking up the need for the MOM while   forward with an all new MOM aircraft. This
           “Unquestionably the 787 [fiasco] has   Chairman, President and CEO Dennis   is a clear and present danger for Boeing,” he
        an impact on their decision making going   Muilenburg told Asian Airlines & Aerospace   adds.

                                                                                McDonnell  Douglas  brought
                                                                                out brochures of its twin-aisle
                                                                                Advanced  Twin Medium Range
                                                                                (ATMR) 757 competitor, in the
                                                                                eighties. At the time MDC claimed
                                                                                that it would require only one
                                                                                passenger per trip to offset the
                                                                                weight  and  drag  of  the  additional
                                                                                aisle in the 178 seat aircraft
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