Page 39 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
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currently under development to support a on the fuel circuits of the Group’s 10 A380s regional carrier CommutAir to provide
range of other critical aircraft systems and and has now confirmed its reliability. The ongoing support services for its newly
components, including on the 787, he adds. A predictive detection rate stands at 70 per inducted ERJ 145 aircraft. AAR will provide
key advantage of AFI KLM E&M’s approach to cent,” says a delighted Kornberg. “In the space full cost per flight hour (CpFH) services for
Big Data and predictive maintenance is that of three months, four pumps and switches rotable components including inventory
it stems from the real operational needs and have been replaced using this new system in management, logistics, overhaul and repair.
challenges of Air France KLM group airlines. predictive mode and also in corrective mode, In addition, AAR will also provide wheel,
“Having full access to aircraft-generated which makes us more effective when carrying tire and brake maintenance and inventory
data, and robust technical expertise of out repairs.” AFI KLM E&M is currently services for the new fleet under a full cost
aircraft systems and sub-systems due to looking into the possibility of extending the per landing structure (CpL). CommutAir,
its MRO/airline profile, endows AFI KLM use of this type of program to other A380 which operates on behalf of United Airlines
E&M with genuine legitimacy to develop systems and even to other fleets, such as 787s as United Express, recently announced
this type of solutions. Working closely with and A350s. plans to triple the size of its fleet with the
data scientists and data engineers, we can AAR, another leading aviation induction of 40 Embraer 145 jet aircraft over
test and validate the predictive maintenance aftermarket service provider for the the next two years. “CommutAir recognized
solutions we are developing,” says Kornberg. world’s airlines is deploying its proprietary AAR has the bandwidth, expertise and
Leveraging its in-depth knowledge of predictive-maintenance software to ensure experience to support its fleet maintenance
A380 systems, its ability to innovate and the right parts are in the right place at the and growth strategy,” says Ken Hein, Senior
its Big Data skills, AFI KLM E&M has also right time. Using cutting-edge analytics, Vice President, AAR Supply Chain. “This is
developed a predictive analysis program AAR anticipates repair needs to minimise the latest example of AAR’s unique ability
used to replace a fuel system component unscheduled events and aircraft-on-ground- to provide tip-to-tail support of new and
before it fails. “The predictive maintenance time, crucial to carriers’ success. Recently, legacy fleets. We are excited to grow our
program has been trialed since last July AAR has been selected by an American longstanding partnership.”