Page 34 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 34


        from carbon fiber-reinforced plastics that   30 customers in the Middle East. Its top five   within the region, for sale and leaseback of
        are integral to large aircraft, the researchers   customers in the region are: Saudia Airlines,   high-value engines such as GEnx and GE90.
        came up with a fast and non-destructive   Royal Jordanian, EgyptAir, Saudi Aramco and   MTU Maintenance is presently one of only
        way to test and the prototype solution can   Nesma Airlines in Egypt. It also counts as   two maintenance shops worldwide that have
        complete the detection process for a variety   customers, several business jet operators, as   been certified to perform maintenance for
        of defects in few seconds, providing real-  well as lessors such as Kuwait based Aviation   the Pratt &  Whitney PW1100G-JM engines
        time data and images that allow for further   Lease and Finance Company  (ALAFCO),   powering the A320neo. In that context, we
        inspection of the structure. The technique   which joined its customer base last year.   have been performing work on Middle East
        will be used and tested on the production   Commenting on the trends that he observes,   engines on behalf of and as part of Pratt &
        lines of Strata’s factories in Al Ain.   related to engine MRO Ben-Kraiem says,   Whitney’s MRO network, says Ben-Kraiem.
                                           “Within the region, we are seeing an increased   Independent MRO providers, such as
        Engine MRO                         demand for our mature engine solutions: we   Abu Dhabi based TS&S Aerospace (owned
        MTU Maintenance is the world’s largest   offer both thrust solutions as alternative to   by Mubadala), are attracting work from
        independent engine MRO provider and has its   engine MRO, as well as cost-effective MRO   outside the region.  The company recently
        technical and sales representatives present   alternatives. Also, we offer owners of aging   bagged a contract from SriLankan Airline
        in the UAE and Saudi Arabia and a dedicated   asset specific solutions to maximize engine   becoming the first independent MRO
        sales team for the region at the MTU   usage and value towards end-of-life.”  provider to overhaul the Rolls Royce Trent
        Maintenance facility in Hannover, Germany.   “The  growing  popularity  of such   700 engine. “The win demonstrates TS&S’s
        “The entire Middle East Region is key to us   solutions comes together with the fast   Aerospace’s ever-growing capabilities as
        as some of our largest customers are based   introduction of newer generation fleets   a world class MRO provider and offers
        here. Saudi Arabia is very important to us,   – the asset owning seeking a smooth and   opportunities for independent lessors,
        as is Egypt and Jordan. Furthermore, we are   attractive phase-out solution for their older   owners and operators to maintain  Trent
        noticing  that  the  Iranian  market  is  opening   fleets. With our background as MRO, lessor   700 engines. As we build and strengthen
        gradually and we are in contact with airlines   and asset manager, we customize the best   our capabilities in Abu Dhabi, we are also
        in the  country,” Sami  Ben-Kraiem,  Senior   solution for each and every customer need,”   supporting the development of the Emirate
        Director Sales Middle East told MRO via   he concludes. There is also a growing trend   as a key aviation hub in the region and
        email. MTU Maintenance currently has about   towards leasing and financing activities   internationally,”  says  Abdul  Khaliq  Saeed,
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