Page 35 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
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        CEO at TS&S Aerospace. TS&S Aerospace   installations  performed  concurrently  GP7200s and Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines
        at present is the only independent RR Trent   ‘under one roof’. Airbus’ dedicated inventory   that power Airbus A380s. The AMES mainly
        700 MRO facility worldwide and works in   management subsidiary – Satair Group, will   provides services for Safran produced
        partnership  with  major  original  equipment   offer an on-site service for all necessary   nacelles and thrust reversers on Rolls-
        manufacturers (OEMs) including Rolls   consumable and expendable parts (needed   Royce Trent 700 and Trent 500 engines that
        Royce, GE Aviation and International Aero   for the heavy checks and upgrades service   equip Airbus A330s and A340s, as well as
        Engines.                            bulletin embodiment).  Etihad Airways   the A320 Family’s CFM56 powerplant. The
                                            Engineering in 2016 had also completed   capabilities also apply to Safran Nacelles’
        Niche Provider                      ahead of schedule Etihad Airways’ first   latest products, such as the nacelle system
        Etihad  Airways Engineering  is the  largest   A380 heavy maintenance C-check along   for Airbus’ A320neo (New Engine Option)
        commercial aircraft maintenance,  repair   with an extensive cabin refresh. Etihad   version that has now entered service, and
        and overhaul (MRO) services provider in   Airways Engineering is also seeking to   the future introduction of the company’s
        the Middle East and 2017 will see it bring to   leverage its experience in undertaking major   nacelle system on the A330neo.
        market its MRO service solutions for A380   cabin modifications for Etihad Airways.
        operators. A Memorandum of Understanding   Based in Jebel Ali Free Zone,
        (MOU) was inked between Etihad Airways   Aerostructures Middle East Services
        Engineering and Airbus in November, 2016,   (AMES), is a joint-venture between Safran
        where both firms agreed to jointly work   Nacelles and  Air France Industries KLM
        on  the development of  a  new A380  MRO   Engineering & Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M).
        services offering. According to an Airbus   Towards the end of 2016, following the grant   ABOVE: Researchers in the Middle
        release, “The service will also be particularly   of a new  Federal  Aviation  Administration   East have developed a fast and
        useful to those A380 operators who already   (FAA) certificate, along with a new autoclave   non-destructive  way  to  test
        have ‘in-house’ MRO capability, but whose   for composites and its skilled on-site repair   components  made  from  carbon
        own facilities are fully booked with work and   engineering  team,  AMES  announced  its   are integral to large aircraft.  The
        therefore need to offload some heavy checks   intention to cater for the growing volume of   prototype solution completes the
        and upgrades to a third-party facility which is   nacelle MRO work. It has also been creating   detection process in a few seconds,
        backed by Airbus.”                  MRO capabilities for composite repairs   while providing real-time data and
           A380 Maintenance, Engineering and   on aerostructure parts such as radomes,
        Upgrades capabilities will be established   winglets and flight control surfaces. AMES   OPPOSITE PAGE:  SR Technics’
        in Abu Dhabi and third-party support   is also uniquely positioned to accommodate   brand new and state-of-the-art
        will be offered to A380 operators and   the very large nacelles and thrust reversers   training center in Abu Dhabi will
                                                                                allow the company to attract new
        the option of having their A380 fleets’   for General Electric’s GE90 engines on   and existing customers within the
        heavy maintenance checks and upgrade   Boeing 777s, along with the Engine Alliance   region and beyond
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