Page 37 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 37


                                            to detect early signs of potential failure and   of  improving  operational  efficiency.  A
                                            rectify matters before it impacts service   recent study by Oliver  Wyman in the MRO
                                            delivery,” Espen Olsen, who is responsible   space found that more than half of the
                                            for Business Development and Sales in A&D   companies surveyed are planning more
                                            at IFS, says. Picking out the relevant data   investment in predictive maintenance over
                                            patterns being fed back out of the myriad   the next five years. Lufthansa Technik (LHT)
                                            of  information  produced  through  Internet   has launched an independent platform,
                                            of Things-enabled parts, will allow the true   Condition  Analytics  to  precisely  predict
                                            benefit of scheduled maintenance to be   when components  should be  replaced.  The
                                            extended  into  every  aspect  of  the  MRO   platform will be available to customers
                                            support chain. Predictive maintenance   from the first quarter of 2017. The new and
                                            draws from both Big Data and the IoT  highly intelligent platform allows airlines to
                                                                                predict precisely when components should
                                            Investments Galore in PM            be replaced and recommends measures
                                            “Predictive Maintenance” and “Prognostic   to be taken to avoid failures before they
                                            Health Monitoring” methods are the next   actually happen. Among other advantages,
                                            natural evolution for aircraft monitoring.   the company claims, operators benefit from
                                            They expand the scope to the prediction   reduced fuel consumption, optimised use of
                                            of condition events in advance of an   expendable parts and enhanced safety.
                                            occurrence. With the current price of jet-fuel   “Airlines around the globe are seeking
                                            indicating that current generation aircraft    ways to maximise the reliability, availability
        Predictive  maintenance             should remain flying, fleet operators and   and safety of their fleets while reducing
        allows specific maintenance
        operations to be triggered          airline MROs are now looking seriously at   costs. With Condition Analytics, one platform
        only when actually needed           predictive maintenance  as the best  way   combines MRO experience with condition

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