Page 27 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
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        costs for the airline – with highest safety   and  the  lower  circle  defines  the  cargo
        standards,” he adds. One simple thing the   area,” he says. This, says Cherry, gives   Design is a
        company has done is to put the “literature   widebody  comfort  in  a  single-aisle   combination of all
        pocket” on the upper-rear side of the seat,   aircraft,  and  gives  extra  room  at  mid-
        to give passengers additional legroom.   body height, unlike many other designs.   the aspects, but
          “We  have  developed  the  cabin  taking   “Our design with its four blended radii   having clearly in
        into  account  that  we  have  to  ensure   cross-section  optimises  every  square   mind that the main
        maximal  comfort  at  any  configuration,”   inch around the passenger (at the head
        even with the seat in front reclined, adds   and shoulder) where it counts,” he says.   goal is to propose
        Tiefenbach.  Other  smarts  like  using   Like  ATR,  Bombardier  also  uses  seat   an even more
        materials which are easier and simpler to   backs shaped around the passenger to   comfortable cabin
        maintain or repair, such as LED lighting   optimise legroom.
        and  new  PSU  panels  all  contribute  to                                  to the passenger
        passenger perceptions of quality.   Noisy Neighbours, Flashing Lights       at the optimal
          Airbus is also looking at smart design   You  have  been  there.  The  person  in  the
        and  improved  materials  to  additionally   seat  across  the  aisle  has  the  movie   costs for the airline
        target the other big issue for passengers   flashing  in  the  corner  of  your  eye,  his   – with highest
        – the guy in the next seat.         reading light on – and is asleep, snoring.   safety standards
          “A  lot  of  innovation  has  already  been   As Boeing’s Payloads Chief Architect, PJ
        seen with Premium class seating (such as   Wilcynski accurately puts it, cabin design   – Pierre Tiefenbach,
        full flat bed, herringbone configurations,   is a balancing act.            ATR’s Customisation Director
        ying-yang configurations and so on,” says   “The needs of airlines to manage their
        Hrnkova.  This  helps  give  more  personal   costs and generate revenue are balanced
        space  whilst  keeping  the  important   with  meeting  passenger  requirements
        payload   and   passenger   allocation   and  expectations,”  he  says.  “Boeing’s
        numbers viable for profitable operation.   effort is to provide interiors that address
          “Coach  class  is  also  benefitting  from   the  full  range  of  airline  and  passenger
        new  technologies  in  terms  of  material   requirements, from first class passengers
        and design,” she adds. “Seats are lighter,   on traditional network airlines to budget
        more  comfortable  and  with  optimised   minded economy class travellers on low
        space  allocation  and  lot  of  features  for   cost carriers.”
        passengers,  which  take  away  the  mass-  Wilcynski says Boeing has used custom
        transportation  feel.”  Something  many   design house Teague since 1946 for both
        passengers appreciate in the A380 cabin,   industrial  design  and  custom  designs
        by all accounts.                    to  take  advantage  of  Teague’s  exposure
          One  slightly  different  approach  comes   to  design  beyond  aviation.  “There  is  a
        from  Bombardier,  which  approaches   generally  negative  view  of  the  economy
        its  cabin  design  from  an  engineering   class  experience  which  underscores  the
        standpoint, rather than only using smart   need for interior designs that increase the
        materials to solve a problem.
          “We modified a successful engineering
        formula  to  widen  the  cabin  area  where
        it  counts,  near  the  seated  head  and   Whose Design?                “Cabin lining, stowage and systems
        shoulder  area,”  explains  Sam  Cherry,   “We believe Boeing, together with  are designed by Airbus in-house
        Director,  Product  Strategy,  Bombardier   Teague, through their many years of  designers. However galleys, toilets,
        Commercial  Aircraft.  Cherry  says  that   working together provide the best   and rest compartments are designed
        typical  single-aisle  aircraft  are  typically   cabin designs that lead to a superior   with suppliers so customers (get)
                                               and preferred passenger experience.”
                                                                                 harmonised and consistent design
        circular in cross section, giving maximum   “For  new cabin interiors, ATR   language. “We opted for an integrated
        room near the cabin floor – just where it   partnered with Italy’s renowned   design approach between Bombardier
        not needed.                            Giugiaro design firm. It is very   and C&D Zodiac designers. This
          “We  use  what  we  call  double-bubble;   important for us to consolidate state-  helps utilise best practices from
        the  resulting  cross  section  is  best   ofthe- art levels of passenger comfort   other aircraft programs to enhance
        described as four blended radii (where)   and design.”                   passenger comfort.”
        the upper circle defines the cabin area
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