Page 22 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 22

                        AL TECHNOL
        MRO FEA
        Increased Intelligence

        Smart aircraft drives MRO industry
        By Aprajita Anil

        With  A  Fleet oF  Modernised ‘sMArt   is now embracing disruptive technology like   positioning during the cabin installation
        aircraft’ taking to the skies, the changes   Robotics / Artificial Intelligence and are   marking process. Before the arrival of smart
        are very apparent in the entire ecosystem   further evolving in order to diagnose defects   glasses for in-cabin applications, the technical
        of the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul   through wearable devices.”     team had to decipher complex drawings and
        industry (MRO). Equipped with innovative   Supported  by  the  Singapore  Economic   convert imperial measurements into metric
        technologies  that can  record and  deliver   Development Board (EDB), Ramco Systems   measurements in marking the position of the
        important clusters of information, these   with AFI KLM E&M as the first anchor   equipment on the cabin floor. The operation
        aircraft are bringing in important changes in   partner, have opened an MRO Lab to develop   that used to require three people and three
        the approach of their maintenance and repair.  advanced aviation IT solutions such as   days, now only needs a single person operator
                                            wearables for ground engineers and drones   and six hours. The company will also deploy
        VR and AR                           to inspect aircraft on the tarmac. “From facial   the smart glasses this November aboard the
        With maintenance accounting for over 10   recognition, gesture computing,  augmented   No. 3 A330neo aircraft.
        percent of costs associated with any flight,   reality to robotics and blockchain, the lab
        maintenance technicians are critical to   has  been  developing  effective  solutions  Emerging Technologies
        unlocking healthy bottom-line  benefits.   and use cases for the Aviation and Logistics   Airbus’  Stade factory  has also  introduced
        Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR)   industries,” added Mr. SivaSubramanian.  an innovative ‘mixed-augmented reality
        can  help them  get  their  work  done faster,   The physical environment and complex   application’ called “MiRA”. It is a tool aiding in
        with a higher degree of safety. Speaking to   nature of the work provides a compelling   the production of A350 XWB fuselage shells.
        the Asian Airlines and Aviation, Mr. Ramesh   use case for AR to transform their workflow.   Whereas production staff previously used to
        SivaSubramanian,  Head Innovation Lab,   Leveraging on this technology, Airbus has   manually progress through the installation
        Ramco Systems said, “With significant   collaborated with Accenture to develop   steps, now, a projector casts a 3D image on
        adoption of mobile devices, the MRO industry   smart glasses to enable millimeter-precise   the fuselage which is based on data from the

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