Page 26 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 26

have a hangar that is equipped to handle a narrow body aircraft  the system is the ability to use laptop com-
        for painting; you can put one or two aircraft nosed in behind  puters for our inspectors and maintenance
        it as well,” says Gray. “That way, we can work on two or three  personnel so that we can sign off electroni-
        aircraft at the same time. ‘In Sanford, we have the MRO, which  cally. We then print the paper work and sign it.
        does A checks, B checks and C checks; we have multiple aircraft  Eventually, we will go to all digital. The system
        there,” says Gray.                                             also tracks our parts and man power.”

          “We also have a teardown facility where we disas-            Emerging Opportunity
           semble multiple aircraft; we have a 777, an A 321,                   ray  believes  it  is  important  for
          A340, A 319, DC-10s, 737s. MD-80s and 727s. We                        companies to be nimble on their
           buy and sell aircraft parts as well. The tear down                   feet  to  identify  and  seize  evolv-
         facility is working very well; so is the parts company. Ging opportunities. With FAA’s Jan.
          The MRO part of our business is growing as well.”            1,2020 deadline for U.S. airlines to become
          Edward Gray, General Manager and Chief of Operations at      equipped with automatic dependent surveil-
                          Avocet Aviation Services                     lance-broadcast (ADS-B) looming, he says
                                                                       that the company is eager to corner a siz-
        The company has leasing companies as well as airlines among  able portion of the installation work. “ADS-B
        its growing list of customers. Our main customer is Precision,  is very big right now, we are working with two
        but we work with a lot of other companies,” says Gray. “We  engineering companies to do ADS-B on the
        have Laser, a South American company. We have Italy-based  classics. It is 2020 when it is coming, and
        Advantage, we are doing work on the MD-380 for them. We  it is 2018 now; nobody is thinking about it
        also have customers through three different leasing companies  until it is too late. We are being very proactive.
        that we work with.”                                            Basically, what we do is we cut the middle-
                                                                       man out; we get the airlines or the companies
        With digitalization taking deep roots in the industry, companies  to come in through us. We use our STC and
        have been eager to digitize their operations. Avocet is no differ-  move them out quickly. It is a lot faster and
        ent. “We have a computer system called Pentagon that we are  smoother when they work with us. We have
        updating,” says Gray. “One of the things that we are growing in  the manpower and the experience.”

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