Page 27 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 27



             Urban air mobility could bring
             an entirely new dimension to
             the way we live

               Special Correspondent

               oerg Mueller recently experienced just how easy urban  The service will be launched in other megac-
               travel can be. After landing at the airport in São Paulo,  ities in 2019 and beyond and will continue to
               Brazil, he used Airbus’ on-demand helicopter booking  lay the groundwork for Airbus’ longer-term
        Jplatform, Voom, to take him directly to his hotel. “In rush  vision of urban mobility using electric vertical
         hour traffic, that journey can take two hours,” says the Head  take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles. “Voom
         of Programmes and Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM). “It  has proven to be an awesome mechanism for
         took me just 11 minutes of flight time.”                      us to glean key insights into the potential of
                                                                       the on-demand air mobility market and pas-
         Voom is currently operating in São Paulo and Mexico City, and  senger preferences, and we are constantly
         the demand is already impressive.                             relaying those insights to the UAM team,”
                                                                       says Monnet.
          “Thousands of passengers have used the service
         and many of them were flying in a helicopter for the          Realising that future vision is the task of
                  first time,”  Voom CEO Clement Monnet.               Airbus’ new UAM unit, established in June
                                                                       2018. Voom is just one part of the unit, which
                                                                       hosts the ongoing UAM activities across the
                                                                       company, from air traffic management to
                                                                       infrastructure development, including part-
                                                                       nership building and pilot projects. It also
                                                                       steers  the  development  of  Airbus’  ongo-
                                                                       ing  eVTOL  demonstrators,  Vahana  and

                                                                       Air taxis will number 15,000 and become a
                                                                       global market worth US$32 billion by 2035,
                                                                       with aerial delivery and inspection services
                                                                       adding on another US$42 billion, a study by
                                                                       Porsche Consulting predicts.
                                                                       Understanding Cities
                                                                       A key responsibility for the new unit is under-
                                                                       standing how UAM can introduce an added
                                                                       mobility solution to a city’s existing network

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