Page 31 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 31

progress.  “French  companies  really  want  be  announced  at  a  later  date,  according  to  China-Russia
        to  participate.  Among  them  are  Zodiac  Commercial Aircraft International Co Ltd, the aircraft’s man-
        Aerospace, Thales, Safran. They have already  ufacturer.
        sent their proposals,” Khakimov said.
                                                     Paradigm Shift
        Engine of Change                             Russia and China intend to complete the creation of the CR-929
                  eanwhile, aero-engine manufac-     by 2025-2027. The countries expect that the aircraft, that will
                  turer  CFM  International,  which  accommodate 250-300 passengers, will compete with other
                  supplies the domestically manu-    major aircraft producers such as Airbus or Boeing. The project
       Mfactured C919 aircraft, also said
        it is bullish on the Chinese market’s growth
        potential, and hopes to have more coopera-
        tion with Chinese suppliers. Currently, more
        than 20 per cent of aircraft powered by CFM
        engines are in China, the company’s sec-
        ond-largest market after the United States.
        The company’s engines currently in service
        and new engine orders in China total a com-
        bined 8,500, CFM was quoted by China Daily.
        “China is a strategic market for CFM. We
        have a big team in Shanghai and we work
        closely with COMAC (the C919 manufac-
        turer) every day. We find problems and solve
        them together, and the cooperation goes
        smoothly,” said Gael Meheust, president and
        CEO of CFM International, in Beijing. “Our
        relationship with the Chinese aviation indus-
        try goes back more than 30 years, since we
        entered the China market in 1985,” he said.
        CFM is a joint venture under the GE Aviation
        of the United States and France’s Safran
        Aircraft Engines. Its parents each hold a 50
        percent stake in the venture. They both invest
        US$500 million in China annually by procur-
        ing CFM parts.
          Safran operates multiple factories in China,
        including plants in Suzhou of Jiangsu prov-
        ince, Xi’an of Shaanxi province, and Guiyang
        of Guizhou province, and they produce some
        key engine components, such as low pres-     is expected to not only get a substantial market share in Russia
        sure turbines. The French company plans to   and China, but also in other countries. The estimated cost of
        continue raising the capacity of its factory in   the project is US$13 billion-US$20 billion.
        Suzhou to meet the growing demand from         The full-scale mock-up, which was on display, included the
        the market. In 2009, the Commercial Aircraft   cockpit and three classes of passenger compartment layout.
        Corp of China chose LEAP engines to power    The length of the layout was 22 meters (72 feet), and was 6.5
        the domestically developed single-aisle pas-  meters high and 5.9 meters wide. The salon was equipped with
        senger jet C919.                             two rows of first-class seats, three rows of Business Class seats
          So far, the aircraft has completed multi-  and four rows of Economy Class seats, including an entertain-
        ple test flights, and it is expected to enter   ment system and interior design in Chinese and Russian styles.
        commercial use in 2021. The manufactur-      The CR929 program is currently at the stage of preliminary
        ers of the CR929 have issued a request for   design and selection of suppliers of basic systems and equip-
        proposals for the aircraft’s engines. Engine   ment, which will be completed before 2020, the chief designer
        makers Rolls-Royce and GE Aviation, among    of CR929 programme from the Russian side Maxim Litvinov said.
        others, have joined the bid. The result will
                                                     The maiden flight of the aircraft is expected in 2025.

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