Page 37 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 37


           ANA UNVEILS 1ST A380 IN

                                                                                SILKAIR TO
            ll Nippon Airways (ANA) has rolled  take delivery of the first A380 at the   OFFER DAILY
        Aout its first A380 bearing the air-  end of Q1 2019 and will operate the
        line’s distinctive and unique Hawaiian  aircraft on the popular leisure Narita-  SINGAPORE-
        Green  Sea  Turtle  livery.  Three  ANA  Honolulu route. ANA’s 1ST A380, will
        A380s will be painted in a special livery  now have completion of its cabin and   CAIRNS
        depicting sea turtles which are native  enter a final phase of ground and flight
        to Hawaii. The first aircraft is blue, the  tests in Hamburg, during which all cabin   SERVICES
        second  will  be  green  and  the  third  systems  will  be  thoroughly  tested,
        orange. The ANA A380 livery is one  including  air  flow  and  air  condition-  ilkAir, the regional wing of Singapore
        of the most elaborate ever painted by  ing, lighting, galleys, lavatories, seats   SAirlines, will be increasing flight fre-
        Airbus. It took 21 days for the Airbus  and in-flight entertainment. In parallel,   quency to Cairns, Australia. With effect
        team to paint a surface of 3,600m2  Airbus will also undertake advanced   from 2 June 2019, Cairns will be served
        using  16  different  shades  of  colour.  aircraft  performance  tests  before  it   with a daily flight, up from the current
        ANA has firm orders for three A380s,  flies back to Toulouse for preparation   five flights per week. The additional
        becoming the first customer for the  of its delivery and ferry flight.  flights will be operated on Tuesdays
        superjumbo in Japan. The airline will                                   and Sundays with Boeing 737 MAX 8
                                                                                aircraft, fitted with 12 Business Class
                                                                                and 144 Economy Class seats. “We are
             AVOLON ORDERS 100                                                  proud to announce a daily service to
             A320NEO/A321NEOS                                                   Cairns, providing greater accessibility
                                                                                and connectivity for our customers,”
                                                                                said SilkAir Chief Executive, Foo Chai
                                                                                Woo.  “Together  with  Tourism  and
                                                                                Events Queensland, we look forward
                                                                                to  bringing  even  more  travellers  to
                                                                                Australia’s  adventure  capital,  home
                                                                                to world famous sights such as the
                                                                                UNESCO listed Great Barrier Reef and
                                                                                Daintree rainforest.” Tourism Industry
            ublin,  Ireland-headquartered  air-  our belief in the medium-term market   Development Minister Kate Jones said
        Dcraft  lessor  Avolon  has  firmed  outlook and the strong growth pros-  demand for SilkAir’s service to Cairns
        up an order for 75 A320neos and 25  pects for our business,” said Dómhnal   had grown significantly with support
        A321neos. The agreement is the single  Slattery, Avolon CEO. “The A320 Family   from  the  Queensland  Government
        largest order for Airbus aircraft ever  of aircraft is a future-proof asset for   Attracting Aviation Investment Fund,
        placed by Avolon. The agreement takes  investors and airlines alike. Avolon’s   which  aims  to  drive  visitation  to
        Avolon’s cumulative orders with Airbus  recent success is a testimony to its   Queensland  through  greater  inter-
        to 284 aircraft (240 single-aisles and  leadership’s dedication to our indus-  national aviation access. “This route
        44  widebody  aircraft)  including  the  try. Its commitment to Airbus reflects   has  delivered  strong  outcomes  for
        A321neo, the A330neo and the A350  its profound market insights. I person-  Queensland  since  it  was  first  intro-
        XWB.  “Our  order  for  100  A320neo  ally look forward to further extending   duced  in  2015  and  these  additional
        family  aircraft  builds  on  our  leading  this  relationship  as  we  go  forward,”   flights will attract up to 10,200 visitors
        industry  position  and  reflects  our  said Christian Scherer, Airbus Chief   over two years, supporting up to 240
        ambition to become the global leader  Commercial Officer.  The new order   jobs,” Jones said.
        in the sector. We continue to see robust  for 100 aircraft, together with the 22
        demand from our customers for the  single-aisles  and  four  wide-bodies
        A320neo family globally. This is consis-  already delivered, increases Avolon’s
        tent with our own market research and  Airbus backlog to 258, the largest of
        global fleet forecast. This order affirms  any lessor.

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