Page 35 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 35

                                            LEAP-1A-powered A320neos earlier  LEAP operators maintain a level of uti-
                                            this year.                         lization which sets a benchmark in our
                                              “This agreement is of great impor-  industry.”
                                            tance  for  TAP,  as  it  will  allow  us  to   TAP  Portugal  will  now  be  able  to
                                            maintain the flexibility and high oper-  initiate the process for LEAP-1A main-
                                            ational levels of the TAP fleet, as well  tenance  activities  and  benefit  from
        TAP PORTUGAL JOINS                  as providing us with an equally rele-  CFM’s expertise in training.
                                            vant service offer for third parties in
                                                                                  TAP  had  placed  orders  for  79
        CFM LEAP-1A MRO                     the market,” says Mario Lobato Faria,  LEAP-1A  engines  to  power  37  new
        NETWORK                             TAP’s Chief Technical Officer.     Airbus A320neo/A321neo aircraft and
                                                                               took delivery of the first three aircraft
                                              “We are pleased to take our long-
           ortugal’s national carrier TAP has   term relationship with TAP to another  earlier this year.
        Pentered  into  a  General  Support   level”, said Gaël Méheust, president   TAP has been a CFM customer since
        License Agreement (GSLA) with engine   and CEO of CFM International. “As part  1990 and presently has a total fleet of
        manufacturer  CFM  for  maintenance   of CFM’s ongoing commitment, we will  90 aircraft, including 70 Airbus aircraft,
        activities of LEAP-1A engines. The air-  support TAP in its strategy to provide  along with 21 aircraft in TAP Express
        line began commercial operations with   world-class support services, helping  livery.

        MHIAEL COMPLETES                    says Katsuyuki Shimauchi, President
                                            &  CEO,  Mitsubishi  Heavy  Industries
        FIRST JAPAN BUILT GTF               Aero Engines, Ltd. “We’re gearing up
        PW1200G ENGINE                      intensely as we prepare for production
                                            by building the capacities and expertise
            itsubishi  Heavy  Industries  Aero   we need to perform this critical work.
        MEngines Ltd. (MHIAEL) has com-     Our facility is in the process of obtain-
        pleted  engine  assembly  of  the  first   ing  approval  from  the  U.S.  Federal
        PW1200G  at  its  facility  in  Komaki,   Aviation  Administration  to  produce
        Japan, and the engine has successfully   these engines.”
        passed Pratt & Whitney’s production   The  MHIAEL  facility,  located  in
        acceptance  test.  Pratt  &  Whitney’s   Komaki, Japan, will be one of two pro-
        GTF  PW1200G  engine,  powers  the   duction assembly and test sites for  programmes.    Mitsubishi  Aircraft’s
        Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) and this   the PW1200G engine.  The PW1200G  next generation regional jet, the MRJ is
        first engine produced at the facility is   engine is also assembled and tested at  powered exclusively by Pratt & Whitney
        designated to be used in the MRJ flight   Pratt & Whitney’s Mirabel Aerospace  GTF engines and first aircraft delivery
        test programme.                     Center  in  Canada.      “The  assembly  is slated for mid-2020.
           “Thanks  to  extensive  and  close   and test of the first PW1200G engine
        cooperation  with  Pratt  &  Whitney,   at MHIAEL in Komaki is a key mile-
        MHIAEL  is  developing  a  facility  in   stone  for  the  PW1200G  program,”   JETSMART EXTENDS
        Komaki to perform final assembly of the   said  Graham  Webb,  Vice  President,   V2500 MRO WITH IAE
        PW1200G engine powering the MRJ,”   Pratt  &  Whitney  commercial  engine
                                                                                   antiago,  Chile  based  airline
                                            operation of the engine with MEA, the   SJetSmart has signed an eight-year
                                            purchase of spare engines and supply   service agreement with International
                                            of parts, an RR release said.      Aero  Engines  AG  (IAE)  to  maintain
                                              “We are committed to ensuring our   its  current  fleet  of  V2500  powered
                                            airline is at the leading-edge in terms of   A320ceos.  The  agreement  has  an
                                            using technology to provide excellent   option to be extended to 10 years.
                                            customer  service  and  performance.   “We’re pleased to be able to manage
                                            Our new aircraft, and their latest-gen-  our  V2500-powered  fleet  more
                                            eration Trent 7000 engines, will deliver   efficiently through this services agree-
                                            on that goal.  Rolls-Royce TotalCare   ment,” said Estuardo Ortiz, JetSmart
                                            is  expected  to  offer  optimisation  to   CEO. “The optimization of engine per-
                RR INKS NEW TRENT           our maintenance costs through long   formance benefits our passengers with
          7000 SUPPORT CONTRACT             term engine maintenance services…,”   better reliability and performance.”
                                            said MEA Chairman - Director General   JetSmart  began  operations  in  2017
           ebanese carrier Middle East Airlines  Mohamad El-Hout.              with five V2500-powered A320ceos.
        L– Air Liban (MEA) has signed for     MEA currently operates five Airbus   IAE International Aero Engines AG is
        Rolls-Royce (RR) support for the Trent  A330 aircraft powered by Trent 700   a  multinational  aero  engine  consor-
        7000 engines powering its new Airbus  engines, which will be progressively   tium  whose  shareholders  comprise
        A330-900neo fleet. The carrier is pur-  replaced by the new A330-900neos.     Pratt & Whitney, a division of United
        chasing four new and two option Airbus  The  68-72,000lb  thrust  Trent  7000   Technologies  Corporation,  Pratt  &
        A330-900neos due for delivery in 2021.  features a bypass ratio double that of   Whitney  Aero  Engines  International
        The contract covers long-term engine  the Trent 700 improving specific fuel   GmbH,  Japanese  Aero  Engines
        maintenance services, throughout the  consumption by ten percent.      Corporation and MTU Aero Engines.

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