Page 34 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 34
AAR INKS NEW end of operational life. AAR will work
with majority partner, Napier Park, to
JV DEAL target assets that retain value in the
aftermarket once aircraft retire from
AR is partnering with Napier Park service. “We appreciate the opportunity
AGlobal Capital (Napier Park) to to lend our extensive expertise in the
create a joint venture that will focus aviation aftermarket to provide signif-
on acquiring late life commercial air- icant competitive benefits to the new
craft. AAR has been appointed the sole venture,” said Pat Aherne, Senior Vice
servicer for the newly formed strate- President and General Manager, AAR
gic alliance. Under the agreement, Aircraft Sales & Leasing. “As the third
AAR will bring its aircraft MRO, leasing largest aircraft MRO in the world and September 30, 2018, managed $11.5
and trading experience to the role of one of the largest suppliers of engine billion in capital and will be the majority
asset manager. AAR will establish and and airframe components, AAR brings equity participant in the joint venture.
manage the aircraft portfolio, as well as a broad range of products and service BNP Paribas acted as exclusive finan-
develop exit strategies. The main focus capabilities to the role of aircraft asset cial and capital raising advisor to AAR
is on acquiring yield generating assets management.” Napier Park is an alter- in the transaction.
maximizing returns as aircraft reach the native investment manager that, as of
with TAME. Our focus is to provide FL TECHNICS
them with the best dependability, engi-
neering support, and the most helpful OPENS NEW ASIAN
customer service Ain the industry to WAREHOUSE
keep their dispatch reliability at the
highest level possible” said Hervé Page, L Technics, a global provider of inte-
Barfield Chief Operating Officer. The Fgrated aircraft maintenance, repair
agreement also increases Barfield’s & overhaul services, has announced
long-term partnership with TAME further expansion to Asia region by
with the support of AFI KLM E&M. opening a new warehouse in Singapore.
BARFIELD Indeed, for Franck Becker, AFI KLM The operations started at the begin-
REINFORCES E&M Regional Vice President Sales ning of November 2018. “The decision
Americas, “The trusted relationship to add a warehouse location in Asia
PARTNERSHIP between TAME and Barfield as seen enables the company to scale up with
WITH TAME with this new agreement, increases customers who are facing increasing
and strengthens AFI KLM E&M position time pressure for parts and material
on the South American market.” The delivery fueled by the booming aviation
arfield, an Air France KLM component repair contract is based on industry and fierce competition in the
BEngineering & Maintenance (AFI high quality engineering practices put region,” said Zilvinas Lapinskas, CEO
KLM E&M) subsidiary in the Americas, in place to increase the flying life of the FL Technics.
and a major aviation industry player, components. “TAME is committed to Just recently, FL Technics together
has signed a multi-year compo- an ambitious growth plan over the next with CALC (China Aircraft Leasing
nents maintenance agreement with few years and we couldn’t think of a Group Holdings Limited) and ARI
Ecuadorian based airline TAME. The better partner than Barfield to entrust (Aircraft Recycling International
flat rate agreement covers TAME’s the maintenance of our A330 aircraft Limited) has launched a Joint Venture
Airbus A330 aircraft. “This agreement components as well as the support of with focus on aircraft base mainte-
gives Barfield the opportunity to con- our other fleet types” said TAME’s CEO, nance in Harbin, China, to provide MRO
tinue to strengthen our partnership Octavio Augusto Perez Sierra. services for aircraft targeting Asia and
Europe regions. Earlier this year, FL
aircraft powered by Pratt & Whitney Technics Indonesia, based in Jakarta,
GTF engines. has received the FAA Repair station
“We are pleased to build upon our 145 certificate, which allows providing
relationship with Philippine Airlines, MRO services to aircraft registered in
which has spanned several decades,” the United States.
said Rick Deurloo, senior vice president,
Sales, Marketing & Customer Support
at Pratt & Whitney. “EngineWise rep-
PHILIPPINE AIRLINES INKS resents our commitment to customers
12-YEAR PRATT & WHITNEY to optimize engine performance and
ENGINEWISE CONTRACT keep their fleets running smoothly.”
hilippine Airlines has entered into a Philippine Airlines will benefit from
P12-year EngineWise Comprehensive EngineWise which provides engine
service agreement, with engine maker fleet data analytics and real-time intel-
Pratt & Whitney that will cover the air- ligence to predict and prevent engine
line’s fleet of 15 firm Airbus A321neo disruptions before they occur.
34 | November/December 2018