Page 38 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 38

                                            the industry—cited by 60 per cent  constantly shifting labor and parts
                                            of survey respondents. Improving  availability becomes impossible to
                                            operational availability and avoid-  manage manually.
                                            ing costly schedule delays is key to
                                            driving greater efficiencies – and it  A 10 per cent reduction
                                            all begins in the maintenance plan- in maintenance costs can
                                            ning process.                      double profits
                                                                               Using real-time data to guide main-
                                            US$1 profit for every US$10  tenance  planning  and  resource
                                            invested in maintenance            allocation can enable operators to
                                            A typical flight is not cheap to oper-  maximize  yield  from  the  aircraft,
                                            ate. Once an aircraft is fuelled up  minimize  ground  time  and  make
                                            (almost a third of overall operating  the most efficient use of technician
                                            expenses), salaries  paid, owner-  labor. Driving efficiencies through
                                            ship costs and government fees  automation  could  see  airlines
                                            deducted, airlines still need to allo-  reduce maintenance costs by ten
                                            cate for maintenance, before they  percent,  which  would  help  them
                                            can count their profit. In fact, 11 per-  double their profits on each aircraft.
                                            cent of the overall cost of operating  There is a way to reduce mainte-
                                            an  aircraft  goes  purely  towards  nance expenditure while keeping
          Vice President and Industry       maintenance. This number is over  the fuel tank full, the taxman happy
            Director, IFS, Aviation &       10 times the amount airlines earn  and the staff paid.
            Defence Business Unit           in profit on each plane. It’s not dif-
                                            ficult to see why operators want to  Maintenance planning – in
        Airline success quantified          ensure they adequately budget for  the Cloud
        Airlines face a constant battle to win  maintenance. The repercussions  IFS has been working closely with
        more passengers, reach new des-     of a simple aircraft fault and delay  world-leading  airlines  to  develop
        tinations and grow profits. But as  can  spread  like  wildfire  across  two solutions that make sense of
        new, often lower-cost carriers enter  fleets and timetables. Viewed from  the  numbers  and  translate  them
        the market and disruptive technolo-  a simple spreadsheet or a generic  into better operational availability
        gies continue to break new ground,  planning  tool,  the  issue  at  hand  across short and long-term mainte-
        the best way for existing carriers to  becomes  one  dimensional,  with  nance horizons. These SaaS-based
        ensure competitiveness is not just  maintenance  planners  having  to  maintenance  planning  solutions
        to splash cash on luxury services  prioritize resources and reschedule  under the IFS Maintenix family—
        or drive down fares – rather, look  fleets on the spot – either resulting  IFS Maintenix Fleet PlannerTM and
        inward to improve operational effi-  in loss of revenue, limited seat avail-  IFS Maintenix Line PlannerTM—are
        ciencies and cost-effectiveness.    ability and almost always disruption  scalable applications that can plug
                                            to flight schedules.               into any Maintenance & Engineering
        You may roll your eyes and mumble                                      system  to  enable  more  efficient,
        ‘you would say that, wouldn’t you’,  58 per cent of aircraft  cost-effective  aircraft  mainte-
        but hold on! A few simple figures  entering service by 2027  nance planning. Cloud-based for
        pinpoint where the challenges and  will be complex                     quick deployment with a high level

        opportunities lie. Drawing on recent  These  outdated  maintenance  of  in-built  automation,  the  solu-
        industry research; here are some  planning  tools  not  only  limit  the  tions are underpinned by IFS’ track
        hard-hitting numbers that can make  day-to-day operations, but also the  record of helping customers reduce
        or break airline competitiveness:   strategic growth initiatives of air-  their maintenance costs by as much
                                            lines. Long-range fleet maintenance  as  15  percent  through  optimized
        60 per cent of commercial  planners need to work out how to  planning.
        aviation players challenged  support more aircraft, as well as
        by operational availability         how to support new fleet types. But   Spreadsheets and legacy
        A recent IFS study examining the  with a new breed of increasingly  planning tools? It’s a swift
        major  pain  points  in  commercial  complex aircraft entering service,           goodbye!
        aviation found operational availabil-  aligning long-range maintenance
        ity to be the greatest challenge in  plans to fit new support models and

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