Page 36 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 36


                                                                                AEROMEXICO LEASES
            AIR ASTANA                                                          ANOTHER BOEING
            RECEIVES                                                            737 MAX 9 FROM AIR

            1ST EMBRAER                                                         LEASE CORPORATION
                                                                                    exican airline Aeromexico will take
            E190-E2                                                             Manother new Boeing 737 MAX 9 on
                                                                                long-term lease from aircraft lessor Air
                                                                                Lease Corporation (ALC).
                                                                                According to ALC, the new aircraft is
                                                                                scheduled for delivery in fall 2019 and
                                                                                will be powered by LEAP-1B28 engines.
                                                                                “This 737 MAX 9 will join two Boeing
                                                                                737-800s  and  three  Boeing  787-9s
                                                                                currently on lease to Aeromexico, as
                                                                                well as a fourth 787-9 Dreamliner air-
                                                                                craft scheduled to deliver to the airline
                                                                                in spring 2019,” an ALC release says.
                                                                                “ALC is pleased to announce this new
                                                                                Boeing 737 MAX 9 lease placement
                                                                                with long-time customer Aeromexico,”
                                                                                said Steven F. Udvar-Házy, Executive
                                                                                Chairman of Air Lease Corporation.
                                                                                “This  737  MAX  9  aircraft  will  sig-
            ir  Astana,  the  flag  carrier  of  hand painted by Embraer in the ‘Profit   nificantly  enhance  the  airline’s  fleet
        AKazakhstan has taken delivery of  Hunter’  style.  Air  Astana  currently   operations and passenger experience
        its first E190-E2 jet. The airline will add  the airline operates a fleet of E190s,   as part of Aeromexico’s fleet moderni-
        four more E190-E2s next year and the  which were first delivered in 2011. The   sation programme.”
        the last of the five aircraft, leased by  E190-E2 burns 17.3 percent less fuel as   Aeromexico will use the new 737 MAX
        AerCap, will be delivered in the final  compared to the first-generation E190,.   9  aircraft  to  further  strengthen  its
        quarter of 2019.  “All of us at Air Astana  The E190-E2 brings more flexibility with   international operations and grow its
        are pleased to receive our first E190-  maximum range of up to 3,293 miles   route network, said Andres Conesa,
        E2, and we look forward to a smooth  (5,300 km), about 621 miles (1,000 km)   Chief Executive Officer of Aeromexico,
        entry into service and a simple transi-  more than the first-generation E190.   Aeromexico has an operating fleet of
        tion for our pilots. We know Embraer’s  Pilots  of  the  first-generation  E-Jets   133 aircraft, comprised of Boeing 787
        E-Jets well, and have high expecta-  require  only  two-and-a-half  days  of   and 737 jet airliners and next genera-
        tions for their new generation aircraft  training without the need for a full flight   tion Embraer 170 and 190 models. In
        in terms of economics, environmental  simulator in order to fly the E2. The E2   2012, the airline announced the pur-
        impact, and levels of comfort and con-  cockpit features advanced Honeywell   chase of 100 Boeing aircraft including
        venience for our customers,” said Peter  Primus Epic 2 integrated avionics. The   90  MAX  B737  jet  airliners  and  10
        Foster, President of Air Astana. The  E2 cabin features a comfortable two-  B787-9 Dreamliners.
        Kazakh carrier’s first E190-E2 features  by-two layout.
        a “snow leopard” livery, designed and

            100TH US BUILT A320

                                                                               Airlines,  Delta  Air  Lines,  Frontier
            irbus has delivered its 100th air-  horses,  Meadow  &  West,  on  its  tail  Airlines,  Hawaiian  Airlines,  JetBlue
        Acraft  from  the  company’s  US  plane. Airbus’ Mobile facility is deliver-  Airways and Spirit Airlines. Airbus has
        Manufacturing  Facility  in  Mobile,  ing four A320 Family aircraft per month  three other A320 Family production
        Alabama. The A320neo, serial number  and has delivered to eight US-based  facilities around the world – Hamburg in
        (MSN) 8580, was delivered to Frontier  customers thus far, including Air Lease  Germany, Tianjin in China and Toulouse
        Airlines.  The  aircraft  features  two  Corporation, Allegiant Air, American  in France.

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