Page 20 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 20


                                                                       commercial aircraft and services operations of
                                                                       the Brazilian aerospace firm will be 80 percent
                                                                       owned by Boeing, with Embraer holding the
                                                                       remaining 20 percent. The shareholders also
        Same Faces,  approved another JV between the companies,
        New Arena                                                      for the multi-mission medium airlift KC-390 and
                                                                       this one to promote and develop new markets

                                                                       other military aircraft. Embraer will have a 51
                                                                       percent stake in the JV, while Boeing will hold
                                                                       the remaining 49 percent.

                                                                       A Sound Partnership
         EMBRAER SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE THE                              While there never has been a doubt about the
         US$4.2 BILLION COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT JV                         quality of Embraer’s new E2-series jets, the
         WITH BOEING                                                   Brazilian aerospace company’s limited market-
                                                                       ing muscle had prevented it from landing a deal
           Arun Sivasankaran                                           with a major airline. This will change now that
                                                                       the JV will have the backing of Boeing’s cus-
        Not so long ago, there were two separate markets in the com-   tomer base and its sales force. With Boeing in
        mercial aircraft business and two distinct duopolies. In an aviation   charge, the JV is also expected to be success-
        landscape that has changed drastically in less than a year, only   ful in changing the “scope clause” provisions
        two big players remain, and they will battle between themselves   in US pilots’ contracts that currently prevent
        for supremacy in both the markets.                             the use of the E175-E2 by regional partners of
        The tussle between Boeing and Airbus for the regional jets     major airlines.
        market, one that they had left to Bombardier and Embraer earlier,
        is expected to heat up in 2020 and beyond, now that Embraer    BOEING WILL LOOK TO BENEFIT
        shareholders have approved the US$4.2 billion commercial air-  FROM EMBRAER’S STRENGTH IN
        craft joint venture with Boeing. The approval clears the way for
        the completion of the deal by the end of the year.             AFTERMARKET SERVICES, WHERE
        After the Airbus Bombardier C-Series agreement, it was just a  ALMOST 60 PERCENT OF E JET
        question of when rather than if Boeing would work out an agree-  CUSTOMERS HAVE SIGNED ON FOR
        ment with Embraer. Although the two joint ventures announced   THE COMPANY’S MAINTENANCE
        in July last year between the two plane makers ran into choppy
        waters early on after a federal judge in Brazil blocked Embraer’s   PROGRAMMES
        board from signing on the dotted line with the American aviation
        giant, it should be smooth sailing from now, with only antitrust   With the JV, Boeing will want to more than just
        approvals required before the JV starts operation. Boeing fore-  be successful in making a dent in the regional
        casts the JV will generate US$150 million in annual savings by   jets market; the company will look to benefit
        the third year.                                                from Embraer’s strength in aftermarket services
        As per the terms of the deal, the joint venture (JV) comprising the   that has seen almost 60 percent of Embraer’s

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