Page 25 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 25

selective laser melting, or SLM for short. MTU Aero Engines used
        AM processes for production of borescope bosses since 2013, for
        the PurePower PW1100G-JM geared turbofan engine.

        MTU is currently working on a seal carrier manufactured using
        additive processes, where the inner ring with an integral honeycomb
        structure will be installed in the high-pressure compressor. This will
        improve clearance control, and hence to increase efficiency. AM
        processes will also be use to produce additional components, such
        as bearing housings, brackets and struts in the future.

        Compelling advantages
        Lufthansa Technik also established its own AM center at the begin-
        ning of 2018, where a joint team of Lufthansa Technik experts and
        AM specialists from industry partners and research institutions
        develop strategies to support the introduction of this technology.
        For Lufthansa Technik as an MRO provider, a key focus is obviously   cal printers in three locations (including one in
        set on the development of repair processes. Dr. Aenne Koester, who   Hamburg, Germany). Such tests are expected
        heads the AM Center, explains: “While almost all product divisions   to set process tolerance standards to ensure
        of Lufthansa Technik have gathered considerable experience in this   that AM products produced at different loca-
        area, the new AM Center will serve as a collaborative hub where the   tions, deliver the desired performance goals
        experience and skills that Lufthansa Technik has gained in relation   with the required level of certainty.
        to additive manufacturing can be bundled and further expanded.
        Its aim is to increase the degree of maturity of the technologies   Lufthansa Technik has already made significant
        and to develop products that are suitable for production.”     progress with its focus on nickel-based alloys,
                                                                       highly-stressed engine components which are
        A key challenge in the aviation industry remains the creation of   of special interest for the AM development
        standards for AM processes for the highly-regulated world of   team.  The MRO provider is one of very few
        commercial aircraft operations and its following transfer to the   companies capable of performing what is called
        MRO sector. There is also the challenge that OEMs and MROs     a powder bed fusion hybrid batch repair – an
        will look to guard their businesses in this arena. Towards this end,   AM process in which a damaged part such as
        Lufthansa Technik has an ongoing cooperation with Oerlikon,    a blade is repaired by replacing lost material.
        aimed at enhancing the understanding of process repeatability,   It goes without saying that such a process
        which the MRO leader calls as, ‘a key element of industrialization   requires extremely tight tolerances, not just
        and certification’. To better understand all parameters influencing   in work holding. Additive manufacturing offers
        the performance of a part manufactured using AM processes,     many opportunities, not only for the production
        representative component geometries will be printed on identi-  of new and spare parts but also in the areas of
                                                                       fixture construction and repair development.

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