Page 34 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 34

enterprise application acts as a digital twin of certain processes—
        whether that is the entire business or running a 3D model by taking
        in data from several third-party systems. In others, the enterprise
        software could be the source of the digital twin, becoming part of
        a larger data ecosystem which builds up a digital twin somewhere
        else.  However, this requires flexible and agile enterprise software
        that has been designed to support digital twin initiatives and is
        suitable to fulfil a variety of roles—failure to track and deliver data
        in the right place at the right time could lead to weak link in the
        chain and undermine an entire digital twin operation.

        Four business benefits for
        independent MROs
        Independent MROs who are regularly capturing key data streams
        in their enterprise software can start to quickly take advantage of
        digital twinning to differentiate their service offerings against other
        independent MRO competitors, and also against large inflexible
        OEMs that have a number of disparate systems in place. There are
        a number of ways independent MROs can leverage digital twins to   net result is that supply chain managers have
        benefit themselves and their customers:                        better control of their stocks.

        1) INCREASE AIRCRAFT SAFETY                                    Case in Point: TEST-FUCHS
        Using serialised asset digital twins in conjunction with real-time/  One IFS customer that has designed a dedi-
        near real-time monitoring and predictive analytics can help detect a   cated digital twin programme is TEST-FUCHS,
        defect earlier, through prior insight into the component’s condition.   a leading manufacturer of test systems and
        The net result is that part safety is increased, making aircraft and   components for aerospace and defence organ-
        airlines safer. One strong example is Dutch carrier KLM— it reduced   isations. TEST-FUCHS has a dedicated digital
        its minimum equipment list defects and delays and cancellations   twin approach for ground support assets and
        by 50% since introducing AI to manage predictive maintenance.  test equipment. As the manufacturer of the
                                                                       assets, TEST-FUCHS looks at the engineering
        2) EVOLVE FROM REPAIR SHOP TO POWER-BY-THE-HOUR  & design and procurement data of the asset it
        SERVICE PROVIDER                                               is selling, and also has full control of the IoT-
        Digital twins can transform the maintenance models offered by  enabled test facility to provide maintenance
        independent MROs toward offering lifecycle support contracts that  data in real-time, then execute that mainte-
        reduce maintenance visits and costs through individual serialised  nance in its repair shop. This gives the company
        inspection and service schedules. By taking the pressure of asset  a deep view of the data which builds up in an
        maintenance management, MROs allow airlines to focus on their  asset’s lifecycle and provides visibility across
        core business of flying passengers, not spending cycles managing  the entire digital twin landscape around every
        wrench turning. MROs can also redefine service contract terms for  asset.  IFS Applications plays a prominent role
        the specific assets being maintained, based on their digital twin  in this environment—enabling TEST-FUCHS
        history and projected future performance.                      to build up an enterprise-wide picture of their
                                                                       business processes to put the digital twin strat-
        3) EXTEND ASSET LIFE                                           egy into action.
        Digital twins also enable MROs to build a broader understanding
        of supported assets while in service. They can use predictive main- Unlock MRO Potential
        tenance techniques to maximise their availability and time on-wing  MROs are ideally placed to harness the ROI
        or overlay health monitoring data with a digital asset twin to trend  and  benefits  of  digital  twin  technology  to
        performance and reliability on a serial number basis. This gives  improve and optimise their service offerings
        them unparalleled insight into the assets they support over time.  and business performance. But in all these
        As more asset information is built into the digital twin, MROs can  examples I have shown, to effectively put a dig-
        learn from this to cement their reputation as asset or component  ital twin strategy in place requires the support
        experts.                                                       of agile and flexible enterprise software geared
                                                                       towards data-driven decision-making.  With a
        4) IMPROVE THE BUSINESS SUPPLY CHAIN                           strategy that is both solid and visionary, and the
        The benefits of a digital twin spread more widely than just the  right software support, independent MROs can
        single component in question. By knowing in advance which com-  take a slice of the US$26.07 billion opportunity
        ponent will fail, supply chain managers can plan and have parts  the growing digital twin market represents, and
        and material ready and available when needed—either to replace  better serve their increasingly demanding air-
        the failed component or for use as part of the repair process. The  line customers.

        34 | March/April 2019                                                      WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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