Page 31 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 31





            Arie Egozi

        Can a state-owned company compete in the  US180 million compared with approximately US$182 million in 2017.
        civil aviation market? is the main question the  In 2018, IAI had a backlog of US$13.5 billion. Sales amounted to
        new management of Israel aerospace indus-    US$3.7 billion, an increase of five percent as compared with 2017.
        tries (IAI) is trying to answer and fast. The  Net loss in 2018 was US$44 million. In 2018, IAI’s export sales
        question has been in the air for some time, but  accounted for 74 percent of the total sales. Sales for the defence
        after the release of the 2018 financial results,  market accounted for 72 percent of the total sales.
        the answer became critical, very critical. There
        is no doubt, inside the company and outside  According to Nimrod Sheffer, IAI’s CEO, the loss in the year arises
        it, that IAI will have to immediately complete  from several non-recurring events, including the provision for the
        and implement its new strategy to start earning  early retirement of employees, write-off of inventory due to the
        from its diversified operation.              prolongation of a pre-sale process of a material contract and the
                                                     impairment of an intangible asset in the refueling conversion opera-
        Downward Spiral                              tion. Sources said that these reasons are very marginal and without
        This is the reaction of Israeli sources to the  a speedy implementation of a restructuring plan, the situation will
        largest Israeli defence company loss of US$ 44  not change.
        million in 2018. One of the sources said that the
        1200 redundant employees are one of the prob- Consolidation
        lems but not the major one. “IAI has defence  They pointed to problems in the civil operation of the company. All
        and civil activities. For personal reasons,  the civil operations were recently consolidated into a single group
        these operations have not been adapted to  “The move was positive, but the implementation is too slow” one of
        the changing world market. This must happen  them said. According to the IAI’s CEO, there is no doubt that IAI still
        tomorrow. If not, this company will continue to  faces numerous and major challenges in the years to come, both
        lose and that may badly effect its ability to keep  within and without.” We have a duty to our employees, customers
        the needed R&D levels,” he said.             and partners to exercise all efforts to secure the Company’s finan-
        R&D expenses in 2018 totaled approximately  cial stability, growth and profitability.” The fact that IAI is still in the

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