Page 29 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 29

[ MAINTENANCE REPAIR OVERHAUL ]                                            [ INTERVIEW - SAPURA TECHNICS ]



        Amrul  Zeflin  Anim,  Accountable  Manager
        at Sapura Technics, believes that Malaysia’s
        newest narrowbody Maintenance, Repair &
        Overhaul (MRO) provider has timed its entry
        into the market to perfection.

        “As it stands right now, hangar facilities in the
        South East Asian region will be inadequate to
        handle the expected increase in aircraft main-
        tenance visits within the next 3 to 8 years,”
        Anim tells Arun Sivasankaran in an interview.
        “We believe that it is the right time to enter the
        MRO market and address the capacity gap.”
        The MRO is expected to start operations at
        Senair Airport in Senai, Johor, Malaysia, in July
        this year.

        Edited excerpts from the interview:

        When did Sapura Resources
        Berhad first think about opening             When will Sapura Technics start operations?
        an MRO facility?
                                                     We plan to begin operation in July or August 2019 after we receive
        Sapura Resources Berhad entered the aviation   the Part 145 approval from Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia
        industry by establishing Sapura Aero back in   (CAAM). Senai Airport is a strategic location as we can enter the
        2011. Currently Sapura Aero provides aircraft   MRO market rapidly as we already have two existing hangars, which
        management to more than 25 private aircraft   were previously operated by our sister company, Sapura Aero.
        operators and owners. The formation of Sapura   As a new aircraft MRO facility and being in Senai, we will have quick
        Technics was primarily driven by the encour-  access to the existing MRO ecosystem within Singapore, even as
        aging MRO market demand within South East    we develop the MRO ecosystem within Senai in the future.
                                                     What services would the company initially
        We also wanted to expand the group’s avi- provide, that would set Sapura Technics apart
        ation business portfolios. The commercial    from others in the country and the region?
        MRO market in the region remains strong and
        is driven by rapidly growing fleet size to meet   In the initial phase, we will provide line and base maintenance
        the increase in air travel demand caused by a   (up to C check) for Boeing B737 series and Airbus A320 family.
        fast-growing middleclass population.         The facility will also have aircraft support shops for composites,
                                                     fiberglass, sheet metal, non-destructive testing, paint shop and
        Sapura Technics want to establish itself as the   battery charging.
        preferred commercial MRO service provider
        in the region by catering to the growing com-  “WE PLAN TO BEGIN OPERATION IN JULY OR
        mercial aircraft MRO demand. We also want
        to create new high-income job opportunities.  AUGUST 2019 AFTER WE RECEIVE THE PART 145

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