Page 30 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2019 Online Magazine
P. 30

APPROVAL FROM CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY                         compared to some of the neighboring coun-
        OF MALAYSIA (CAAM). SENAI AIRPORT IS A                         tries are some of the advantages that most
        STRATEGIC LOCATION AS WE CAN ENTER THE MRO                     Malaysian MRO players enjoy.
        MARKET RAPIDLY AS WE ALREADY HAVE TWO                          However, the Malaysian MRO industry’s adop-
        EXISTING HANGARS,” Amrul Zeflin Anim, Accountable              tion rate of new technologies and best practices
        Manager at Sapura Technics                                     lags behind MROs in Western Europe. Sapura
                                                                       Technics,  on  the other hand,  will  introduce
        What are some of the capabilities that you would               new technologies and best practices from the
        like to have by 2025?                                          onset. This will help us stand out in the market.

                                                                       What is the current health of the
        We already have a fair idea about our expansion plan. We are
        considering both organic growth as well as strategic collabora- MRO industry in Malaysia?
        tions with potential partners. For organic growth, we are looking
        at the possibility of erecting new hangars in Senai to increase our  Since Malaysia Airlines Engineering stopped
        narrow body aircraft capacity as well as to accommodate wide  doing third party work in 2015, the Malaysian
        body aircraft.                                                 MRO industry has seen little growth. However,
                                                                       the industry is expected to pick up speed in
        What is the customer base that you are seeking?                terms of new facility growth across the MRO
                                                                       value chain.
        We do not have any secured customer yet as we are still in the
        setting up stage for us to obtain the CAAM approval. However, we  What is your view of the Southeast
        have started discussion with local operators and have received a  Asia MRO market?
        positive response. Many among them are keen to send their aircraft
        to our facility once we obtain CAAM approval.                  South East Asia is region of high growth and
                                                                       needs more airframe MRO capacity to meet the
        We are confident that after we get European Union Aviation Safety   increasing fleet size growth driven by increas-
        Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approv-  ing air traffic and introduction of new point to
        als, as well as those from authorities in neighboring countries, we   point destinations driven by the low-cost car-
        will be well placed to attract work from regional airliners.   riers (LCCs).

        What are some of the challenges that the                       MRO expenditure for B737 and A320 is
        Malaysian MRO industry faces? What, in your                    expected to increase with operators replac-
        opinion, are the advantages?                                   ing their fleet with new generation aircraft, the
                                                                       B737 Max and A320 Neos.
        Adequate technical expertise, language and lower cost of labor

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