Page 30 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 30

the business jet market is “a must” in order to increase the income
        generated by the existing capabilities and to preserve the design
        and manufacture capabilities built in the company along the years.
        These sources added that the company prefers a programme that
        will enable the full design and manufacture of a new business jet
        “from scratch” but a “massive” participation in an existing or future
        programme is also an option.  The company source said that a new
        business jet that will be designed and produced by IAI, is a key for
        using the huge potential that in recent years has been underutilized.

        Jetliner Conversions Key for Future
        Last year, IAI decided to resume the operation of its Boeing
        747-400 conversion line. The company said that recently it has
        received several inquiries for B747-400 conversions. In 2017 only
        two B747-400’s were converted and delivered to South Korea’s
        Asiana Airlines. But according
        “OUR EVALUATION POINTED TO A NEW                               Entering the Engine
        POTENTIAL IN VIEW OF A GLOBAL NEED FOR HIGH                    Leasing Market
        VOLUME FREIGHTER CAPACITY WHICH COINCIDES                      Last year IAI went into the engine leasing busi-
        WITH THE LOW PRICES OF FUEL AND NO                             ness.” We decided to go into that business after
                                                                       looking at the market” said Ido Ben Cnan, direc-
        REASONABLE AVAILABILITY OF PARKED AIRCRAFT                     tor sales, MRO & heavy maintenance of the
        IN THE “DESERT,” Noam Sharoni, the IAI’s B767 Conversion       group. “All our engines are leased at this point
        Manager                                                        and the demand is growing” He explains that
                                                                       airlines prefer to lease engines than purchase
        Noam Sharoni, the IAI’s 767 conversion manager, the evaluation  them for a period of two to three years. “All our
        pointed to a new potential in view of a global need for high volume  engines are now on wings around the world.
        freighter capacity which coincides with the low prices of fuel and  When they come back, they are getting the
        no reasonable availability of parked aircraft in the “desert”. Bedek,  needed maintenance and put back on the shelf
        now part of the new aviation group has converted 29 B747-400s to  where they stay a very short time.”
        BDSF (Bedek Designed Special Freighter) configuration between
        2005 to 2011.  In parallel, in 2017 IAI delivered 17 converted B767-  The new department currently offers three
        300’s which are needed in the booming E-commerce market.  types of engines the most widely used engines
        Another one was delivered in 2018. IAI has also converted three  made by CFM and Pratt & Whitney (P&W). The
        B737-700 NG aircraft and it is the only company in the world hold-  aviation group official added that many small
        ing a 737-700 Conversion STC. According to IAI , the conversion  new airlines do not have the budgets to buy
        period of a B747-400 aircraft is about 120 days, which is often  a stock of engines and the leasing arrange-
        used by most of the customers to set the maintenance clock to “0”,  ment solves this problem. “The demand grows
        by doing a ‘Heavy Check’, landing gear overhaul  or to undertake  also when the authorities release directives to
        engine replacements and installation of avionics, such as  new flat  perform more frequent maintenance on cer-
        panel displays in the cockpit, Satellite Communications (SATCOM),  tain engines,” he adds.  The IAI official says
        etc. Bedek customers for cargo conversions are mainly airlines  that the plan is to open leasing centers for
        who own the aircraft and lessors who leased the cargo aircraft to  engines in the U.S and Europe. The aviation
        airline/operators for another 15-20 years of service creating reve-  group has also increased its ‘On Wing Support’
        nue for both sides and providing the high cargo capacity demand  services. Technician teams arrive within 24
        in the market.                                                 hours at an airport where an aircraft is on the
                                                                       ground because of a technical malfunction “In
        According to Sharoni, in parallel the group is completing the needed  99 percent of the cases, the team succeed in
        work to get a Supplementary Type Certificate (STC) for the con-  addressing the problem, and the aircraft was
        version of 737-800 from passenger to cargo configuration. “We will  put back in service,” the official adds.  In 2018
        get the STC in the third quarter of this year.”  The IAI official said  IAI signed a contract to serve as the mainte-
        that the aviation group is still evaluating the potential of converting  nance and overhaul center for the engines
        Airbus A-330s to cargo configuration. “We are also about to make a  of the Chinese HNA Group. According to the
        decision on the conversion of the B777,” he says. In addition to the  agreement, the engines are sent to IAI by the
        main conversion facility in Israel, IAI operates a conversion facility  customers and returned to China following
        for 737 in Mexico, jointly with Mexicana. Another conversion facility  servicing. In 2017, IAI added the International
        operates in China for 737 -700. This is a joint venture with Chinese  Aero Engine (IAE) V2500 engine to the list of
        company Haite.Two aircraft are presently under conversion at this  engines maintained and overhauled in its facil-
        facility. “This facility will also convert 737-800,” Sharoni says.   ities.

        30 | May/June 2019                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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