Page 28 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 28


      Seeking Opportunities                                                    For example, if an aircraft is damaged
                                                                               on tarmac or incurs any other issue,
                                                                               we immediately assess whether the
                                                                               aircraft needs to be grounded or it can
        AXIS CADES is an Indian end-to-end                                     take-off. Within the MRO segment, 40
        engineering  services  firm,  that  pro-                               per cent is engine service, 29  per cent
        vides services across verticals such as                                is components while rest is all avionics,
        aerospace, defence, automotive, heavy                                  etc.
        engineering and medical technology
        with aerospace alone generating                                        What are the other aerospace-
        40 per cent of its overall revenues.                                   related activities that
        Sharadhi Babu, CEO, AXISCADES                                          AXISCADES is involved in?
        speaking in an interview with  Atul
        Chandra, says that the company has                                     At AXISCADES, we work on the com-
        worked with a number of European                                       mercial and military design aspects
        Original Equipment Manufacturers                                       for aircraft. As mentioned earlier, we
        (OEMs).  “We  work  on  the  concept                                   have been able to deliver a complete
        design of an aircraft using 3D model,                                  design, production and maintenance
        drawings and stress analysis reports,”                                 and have provided support on elec-
        he  says. Edited Excerpts from the                                     tronics, avionics and ground systems
        interview:                                                             in all these aspects of engineering.  We,
                                                                               being a pioneer in flight simulators,
        Please elaborate on the kind                                           have offered many computer-based
                                                                               simulators and static simulators to
        of work done by AXISCADES                                              help critical platforms provide realis-
        in the aerospace domain?                                               tic feeling, either to the trainees or in
        We primarily offer services on aircraft                                the understanding of the services. The
        development, maintenance, repair,                                      training or application of the equipment
        overhaul and operations management   manufacturing is completed and the   always comes with a strong application
        and aircraft upgrade. Our expertise   aircraft goes into the assembly, we   of a simulator, which becomes highly
        spans across sectors like commercial,   provide them with various other engi-  imperative as some of the defence and
        business, military and multi-purpose   neering services that expedite the   aviation systems are very complex and
        aircrafts  in  addition  to  Unmanned   assembly of the aircraft including tools   involve high cost. We have been able
        Aerial  Vehicles  (UAVs).  The  whole   and tool designs.              to offer many such simulators to the
        process from fixed wing to rotary air-                                 Indian defence and global OEMs. We
        craft segments, we have established   AXISCADES is in a very strong and   also provide the same as add-ons for
        a long term strategic relationship with   unique position of delivering this entire   full-fledged simulators to the aircraft
        Tier-1 suppliers and Aerospace OEMs   life cycle of the aircraft, including   trainers. We have been working on
        to offer integrated solutions for sys-  detailed design, drawings, production   both military and civil aircraft, transport
        tems and sub-systems. These include   support and maintenance of the air-  and fighter aircrafts.
        primary and secondary structures,   craft. AXISCADES, being a specialist
        electrical wiring harness design, air-  in Fuselage engineering services, has   This year, we had also signed an
        craft interiors, avionics, manufacturing   been a part of a number of jetliner   MoU with Virtual Reality Media(VRM)
        engineering, technical publication,   fuselage designs. We build designs   for the production of flight simulator
        life extension and daily repairs. In all   for the front, centre and aft fuselage   to design and produce their upcom-
        these aspects, we have extended our   and deliver it to the OEMs.      ing Level D full-flight simulator. This
        services to  include the  digitization,                                opportunity was specific for a military
        which begins from applying IoT into  What is your role in aircraft     transport aircraft and the data of the
        the scheme of things, deliver a lot of  MRO?                           aircraft is owned by a few European
        automation and simulation into the  India is one of the fastest growing avia-  OEMs. Hence, it was very important
        services.                           tion and MRO markets in the world and  for us to tie up with VRM technolo-
                                            provides the most cost-optimised man-  gies, which possess a good amount
        Specifically in the aerospace domain,  power compared to any other location  of data on the aircraft and we also have
        we work on the concept design of  around the globe. This ushers in a lot  an opportunity to fly the aircraft with
        an aircraft using 3D model, drawings  of opportunities in the maintenance  instrumentation and add-ons to collect
        and stress analysis reports. Further  domain of these aircraft. AXISCADES  additional data and actually build a full
        to this, we provide the drawing of the  is well placed to offer MRO services  level-D simulator.
        part, which then goes into production.  as we have the experience of over 2
        Once the part enters the production  decades in working with the OEMs  We have received various awards for
        phase, we support the OEM to monitor  on aircraft design and development.  consistently providing high-quality
        its production, which in aircraft terms  We are also a primary part of the air-  solutions and designs. We have also
        is called as ‘concession’.  This helps  craft maintenance life cycle and repair,  been able to adapt to new programmes
        in ensuring the design to get faithfully  though repair is predominantly handled  and ramp up our capabilities and
        converted into the actual part. Once  by the OEM and their partners like us.  deliver projects on time to the OEMs.

        28 | May/June 2019                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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