Page 26 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 26


        In Expansion Mode


           Arun Sivasankaran

        Having expanded its Latin American footprint by opening a facility  Eyes on a Growing Market
        in Brazil and signing a major deal with the Brazilian Army, U.S.-based  The proposed facility in Kuala Lumpur comes
        Aircraft Propeller Service (APS), a leading commercial propeller  in the wake of a substantial increase in the
        MRO company, is now focused on expanding  its presence in the  company’s customer base in recent months.
        Asia Pacific region, one of the fastest-growing markets for turbo-  Earlier this year, APS signed an agreement
        prop MRO services                                              with  Skways  Technics,  an  MRO  company
                                                                       with a presence in Billund, Denmark; Kuala
        The only company in the world other than the Original Equipment  Lumpur, Dubai and Miami. According to the deal
        Manufacturer (OEM) authorized to perform the compression wrap  Skyways Technics will serve as an independent
        during propeller blade overhauls for ATR 42/72 and CASA CN 295  sales representative for APS in select Asia-
        aircraft, APS plans to open its own facility in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  Pacific countries, representing the company in
        later this year. The proposed expansion comes three years after  the sale of its component repair and overhaul
        APS opened its Brazil facility, and five years after the company was  services, as well as aircraft parts associated
        acquired by a Chicago-based private equity firm.               with those services.
        “Asia is where we see the biggest growth, especially in the turbo-  Boggan is confident that the partnership with
        prop market”, says Robert Boggan, APS Chief Revenue Officer, who  Skyways Technics will help APS make further
        oversees the company’s sales, marketing and business strategy  inroads into the Asia Pacific market across the
        activities. “The ATR 72-600 is far and away the most popular tur-  commercial, military and general aviation sec-
        boprop in the region. Opening a facility is a big part of our plans to  tors. The partnership brings best in class MRO
        better serve our growing number of customers in the Asia Pacific  solutions “to a growing and increasingly more
        region.”                                                       demanding market seeking resources to deliver

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