Page 25 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 25

        Since its introduction to the market, Airvolution has improved our   its way through each company and across the
        customers’ turnaround times and helped to reduce and control   entire industry. One thing we’re really excited
        costs.                                                         about is that the market outlook for aviation
                                                                       is incredibly strong, and we anticipate more
        How challenging is it for the company to prove                 people than ever taking advantage of the con-
        the value of its digital products to customers?                venience and global access it provides.
        Matt Kammerait - Any digital product essentially has two com-
        ponents, the product or technology itself and then the Change   Our hope is that 10 years from now, a digital
        Management initiative required to integrate it into the organization’s   and data-driven approach will be the norm.
        workflow and ensure its success.  While change is never easy, we   This will also mean that a lot of manual, menial
        find that the digital conversation really opens up new avenues for   work performed for companies and systems to
        us to engage with our customers at a deeper level, understand their   interact today will be automated in the future,
        business better and provide value that goes right to the bottom line.   freeing up our amazing talent to focus on the
                                                                       strategic “big picture” and that everyone in any
        Is AAR currently working on any new digital                    role across the organization will have an incred-
        offering?                                                      ibly powerful toolbox of technologies to enable
                                                                       and enhance the way we serve our customers.
        Matt Kammerait - We’re constantly scouring our industry and others
        for new technologies and opportunities. We have an innovation   What are the steps that AAR has
        process that helps us to vet out those opportunities, incubate   taken to ensure cybersecurity?
        them and bring them to market. While we can’t yet discuss what
        our next big launch will be, I’m very confident in that process and   Thano Pfaff, IT Director AAR- With many com-
        its ability to produce innovations that address our customers’ pain   panies today, cyber is high on the risk chart,
        points and meet real world needs.                              and the aviation industry is no exception to
                                                                       that. However, with the ever-growing need to
        Is AAR using drones as part of its MRO                         connect externally with customers, partners
                                                                       and other third parties for online services and
        operations?                                                    collaboration, there  comes  additional  risks.
        Matt Kammerait - We’ve been working with a number of UAV (com-  AAR takes a risk-based, in-depth defense
        monly called Drone) technology providers over the last year and   approach to cybersecurity. Areas we focus on
        have just recently selected a partner we’re really excited about.   within cybersecurity range from awareness
        Drone scanning has some very real and immediate benefits when   training, configuration management to strong
        it comes to inspections, situational awareness and critical process   authentication protocols all which aligns with
        checks for MRO operations. We’ll have more to share about that   NIST standards.
        program and partner sometime in the near future.
                                                                       How much of an impact will
                                                                       predictive maintenance have on
                                                                       the industry in general?
                                                                       Matt Davies, AAR Airinmar Technical Services
                                                                       General Manager - I think the biggest impact
                                                                       we are seeing on the industry is the ability for
                                                                       operators to have parts and maintenance staff
                                                                       available while the aircraft is still in flight, ready
                                                                       to avoid AOGs and passenger delays.  I have
                                                                       not seen the same level of maturity with detect-
                                                                       ing and rectifying errors between operator and
                                                                       repair station. A fundamental issue to remem-
                                                                       ber with predictive maintenance is that the part
                                                                       has rarely failed in accordance with the AMM.

                                                                       As a result, unless it is made clear to the repair
         How different will the MRO landscape look, ten                station that you have removed a part for a pre-
                                                                       ventative maintenance reason, there is a good
         years from now?                                               chance it will be inspected in accordance with
         Matt Kammerait - Ten years is an eternity in the technology world.   the criteria in the CMM. At AAR, it is critical to
         That being said, we see some really interesting seeds being planted   document the detailed reason why a part has
         at the moment through technologies like augmented and virtual   been removed and for our repair shops to carry
         reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning, in addition to   our maintenance in accordance with both the
         the core journey of digital business transformation that is making   CMM and instructions on the repair order.

         ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                               May/June 2019 | 25
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