Page 27 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
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        high quality, responsive and cost-effective MRO
        solutions in close proximity to their locations,”
        he adds.

        APS is the only MRO in the Americas and Asia
        with full 568F propeller blade capabilities to
        include proprietary compression wrap during
        major inspections. “It is a significant license,”
        says Chris Hutchings, APS Director of Market
        Development. “Having a facility in the Asia
        Pacific region, in a region that is as central as
        Kuala Lumpur, will be especially beneficial. The
        partnership with Skyways Technics is a very
        natural fit for us; they really have their ears to
        the ground when it comes to the requirements
        in the region.”
                                                     In April this year, APS signed a five-year contract with the Brazilian
        An ideal location and a partnership with a com-  Army to overhaul approximately 300 Airbus Helicopter main and tail
        pany that is entrenched in the region aren’t the  rotor servo actuators for Fennec AS350/550 and Panther AS365
        only reasons why Boggan believes that APS  aircraft. The Brazilian Army fleet, which comprises 97 helicopters,
        can make major inroads into the Asia Pacific  including 34 Panther AS365, 35 Fennec AS350/550, 4 Black Hawk
        market. “Our 568F license is a very big factor  S70, 8 Cougar AS532 and 16 Super Puma H225M, is the largest
        for us; no competitor has the proprietary capa-  fleet of helicopters among all Latin America countries for both civil
        bilities or information that we have to perform  and military operators. It was in 2017 that APS Brazil expanded its
        these specialized, safety critical repairs. We  portfolio to include helicopter servo actuators; the company also
        pride ourselves on our OEM alignment and  made significant investments in new test equipment, tools, parts
        we work with them constantly to develop new  provisioning, as well as technician training to support the civil and
        repairs which extend the life of blades and  military helicopter markets. APS President and CEO Dan Colbert
        other major components. That helps operators  is glad that the move has paid dividends.
        reduce maintenance costs.”
                                                     “The Brazilian Army deal is a multi-million-dollar contract that
        A History of Growth                          gives APS Brazil more opportunities to expand its portfolio and
        In 2015, the company relocated to a 46,000  strengthen its presence in South America,” says Colbert. “We’re
        square foot facility in Lake Zurich, IL from its  proud of APS Brazil’s reputation as a world class MRO organization
        longtime location in Wheeling, IL. A year later  and this significant achievement on behalf of Airbus Helicopter and
        APS opened its Brazil facility in Atibaia, Sao  Collins Aerospace is a major milestone for the business.”
        Paulo, about 90 kilometers away from Sao
        Paulo’s international airport and less than 60  With the military side of the company’s business flourishing, Boggan
        kilometers from Viracopos, a major hub for  says that he has had to move staff from the general aviation side
        the region’s largest ATR operator, Azul. The  of the business. According to APS Brazil General Manager Fabio
        20,000 square feet facility was previously  Renato Rossi do Nascimento, the company is now looking for
        owned  by  UTC  Aerospace  Systems,  now  opportunities  with  the  Brazilian  Air  Force  and  Brazilian  Navy,
        Collins Aerospace.                           which together have combined fleets of approximately 40 Airbus
                                                     Helicopter Squirrel AS350 aircraft. The company currently also
        “WE HAVE A UNIQUE SET OF                     supports the country’s largest FBOs, including Helibras, Leonardo
        CAPABILITIES THERE TO PERFORM                Helicopter, Helisul, Helipark, Helicidade, Líder, Icon, Claro, Copters,
        DIFFERENT KINDS OF REPAIRS,                  Fênix and Rotors.
        SUCH AS HELICOPTER ACTUATORS                 Further Expansion on the Horizon
        AND COMPOSITE REPAIRS. WE                    Even as the company works to get its proposed facility in Kuala
        ARE CURRENTLY THE ONLY MRO                   Lumpur up and running, officials are already thinking about the road
        AUTHORIZED FOR LEVEL III REPAIRS             ahead. According to Hutchings, “acquisitions that make sense” will
                                                     also be a part of APS’ growth strategy.
        FENNEC AND DAUPHIN/PANTHER                   “The company is definitely going to be a lot bigger in five years,”
        HELICOPTER ACTUATORS.”                       says Hutchings. “I see a more comprehensive company, one having
        says Boggan                                  multiple products that are aligned within the turboprop market, be it
                                                     ATRs or legacy aircraft. We are already doing a lot, but we will be in
                                                     a position to offer much more in terms of support to our customers.”

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