Page 15 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMEBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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impact the industry in the next and self-service seeing major more solutions for passenger
5-10 years? emphasis. convenience and seamless
Self-service technologies travel. This is helped our
Patel: The future of travel is remained airlines’ top IT next-generation platforms,
set to be transformed by a investment priority, with touch- which also deliver agility and
range of powerful megatrends, less solutions and biometric ID cost effectiveness. Cloud
from emerging technologies to management following closely. solutions, artificial intelligence
societal and economic trends. The surging implementation and smart airport manage-
To adapt to this rapidly chang- of a single secure biometric ment tools are helping prepare
ing landscape, airports and token across all touchpoints our industry for an uncertain
airlines must act now to pre- signals a strong commitment future.
pare for the years ahead. from airports and airlines to We develop affordable solu-
A new era of travel is emerg- the next-generation travel tions that easily integrate into
ing which will feature trusted experience where passengers existing infrastructure. We
digital identities, hyper efficient can breeze through the airport believe that technology has
metaverse-like airport opera- using their face as their board- the potential to future proof our
tions, sustainable aviation, and ing pass. industry and mitigate against
air taxis. unforeseen disruptions like
the pandemic. Through smart,
Q AAA: What has been the agile and responsive tech-
Q AAA: Can you elaborate most exciting development in nology platforms the industry
on how technology is playing the industry’s digital transfor- can adapt at pace with shifting
a pivotal role in address- mation journey so far? economic, environmental and
ing travel pain points and social scenarios that may see
helping passengers regain Patel: Today we are focused volatility in passenger num-
confidence? on delivering agile solutions bers, new requirements and
can help instil resilience and changing regulations.
Patel: Airlines and airports agility across the entire indus-
are investing in key technolo- try. Having biometric, mobile, Q AAA: What’s the sustain-
gies to smooth the passenger and automated self-service ability focus of SITA? How is
experience across every step solutions already in our portfo- SITA helping the industry’s
of the journey, with biometrics lio makes it easy to fast track journey to Carbon net-zero?