Page 17 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMEBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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VOLMET (weather information Patel: Increasing passenger Q AAA: And finally, what is in
during flight), DCL (Departure safety, boosting passenger your roadmap for 2024.
Clearance) and CPDLC confidence, and making air-
(Controller-Pilot Datalink port and airline operations Patel: While we don’t have
Communication). significantly more efficient, specific details on the product
adaptable, and intelligent is
the new blueprint for survival roadmap to share, SITA con-
Q AAA: Is SITA exploring new and growth. Significant steps tinues to tackle the industry’s
partners to support the travel in these areas have already most difficult challenges and
industry? And how do you been taken. deliver breakthrough results.
think the pandemic changed Despite being synonymous Our mission is to empower
the relationship between vari- with stalled economies and our customers to deliver the
ous industry stakeholders? canceled events, 2020 was a ultimate travel and transport
year of accelerated technol- experience, with the most
Patel: SITA continues to ogy adoption across the air advanced, efficient, and sus-
transport industry. We know
innovate collaboratively with this because we work closely tainable technologies. SITA is
airline, airport and border with customers throughout renowned for its collaborative
customers, as well as other the industry globally who are approach to innovation. We
industry organizations – actively pursuing new technol- partner and co-innovate with
addressing costs, operational ogies to adopt. our airline, airport, and border
hurdles and the passenger customers, as well as proven
experience. Our approach New technologies have innovative companies, ear-
includes Proofs-of-Concept, seeped into our airports and ly-stage ventures, universities,
trials and pilot projects, looking changed the passenger expe- and other science, academic,
at new and emerging tech- rience. That pace of innovation and management institutions.
nologies across the journey, adoption set a scene for rapid Our rationale is simple: to test
supply chains and opera- industry transformation over innovations with customers
tions, and including digital the last few years and has directly through Proofs-of-
identity, Artificial Intelligence, forced a historically slow-mov- Concept (POCs) and trials,
ing industry into action. The
Computer Vision, Machine pandemic prompted a new and to work with partners to
Learning, blockchain, sustain- focus on trust. The industry
able aviation, and more. must regain the trust of pas- complement our strengths,
skills, and technologies. By
sengers while airport and doing this, we encourage
airline workers must trust the
Q AAA: What is one key measures taken and the envi- growth while exploring real
lesson learned from the last ronments, they are working needs and use cases and
few years that we must take in are sufficient to keep them bringing ideas to fruition as
forward? safe. quickly as possible.•