Page 10 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMEBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 10

©Geoffrey Thomas

        Union Discord                       these categories,” Mr Harbison      luxury. Under Joyce, it did it
         At the core of the lynching of     said.                               the hard way, but seriously,
        Qantas and its CEO are some          He added that many air-            would it have been better for
        unions that have orchestrated       lines in Asia have much lower       everyone if the airline had
        a very effective media cam-         labour costs and more produc-       simply gone broke like all the
        paign against the airline that      tive staff than Qantas.             others?”
        goes back years as they fight        “All the major US interna-
        the changes that are neces-         tional airlines have gone
        sary for the airline’s survival.    ruptcy, as has Air Canada.  “
                                            through Chapter 11 bank-
         Australia’s leading analyst                                            In the fullness of
        and the founder of Centre           In this region, almost without      time Mr Joyce will
        for Aviation Peter Harbison         exception, it’s either govern-
        summed up the situation by          ment ownership or bankruptcy,  be seen to be the
        saying Qantas has never had         or both, that has secured the
        the luxury of going bankrupt        airlines’ survival.                 best chief executive
        where it could start again with      Among all this carnage, only       Qantas has had to
        new labour contracts at more        Qantas has survived them
        competitive rates.                  all and, by going the difficult     this point in time.

         Mr Harbison told Asian             course, its cost base is greatly
        Airlines and Aerospace that         reduced thus it is in a posi-
        “when judging Qantas’ per-          tion to survive. It wasn’t an         His successor Vanessa
        formance over the last couple       accident.                           Hudson faces huge challenges
        of decades, some important           “The significance of Chapter       with a union movement that
        factors are being entirely          11 bankruptcy is that aside         has tasted blood and wants
        buried in the current [media]       from destroying all shareholder     higher salaries and better con-
                                                                                ditions for staff that in many
        discourse.                          equity, it allows the surviving     cases are amongst the world’s
         “There’s one important fact        airline to return to the market     highest paid in the airline
        that’s being overlooked and         with greatly reduced costs and      industry.
        that is almost every airline        a totally refreshed workforce.        Ms Hudson also has to battle
        Qantas competes with has            Essentially, the airline can start   the disenchantment and often
        either been bankrupted during       again from scratch. Staff are       rage felt by the public who
        the past two decades or is          cut, wages reduced, contracts       have swallowed the social
        government-owned. It’s hard         cancelled or shaved.”               media misinformation cam-
        to think of a single airline that    Mr Harbison sums up by             paign and the lay media’s
        doesn’t fit into one or other of    saying “Qantas never had this       misguided reporting.•

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