Page 8 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMEBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 8

aircraft were grounded virtually    business grounds.                   to change its schedule 90
        overnight as the industry shut-      That decision would come           times creating havoc for the
        down, while well-oiled supply       back to haunt Qantas as it was      airline and its workers and
        chains collapsed.                   a big win for unions in their       costing tens of millions.
         When COVID hit in 2020,            effort to portray the airline as      When Australia did finally
        Mr Joyce agreed to stay on          uncaring and ruthless.              open all its domestic and then
        to steer the airline though          The airline did receive a          international borders, the
        the pandemic and the airline        total of about A$2.5 billion in     country’s airlines were hit by a
        set about a multi-billion cost      assistance during COVID with        tsunami of revenge travel.
        saving program to survive.          about half used for contracts         Millions of Australians

         In April 2020 Qantas was just      to keep the airline flying a lim-   scrambled to book tickets,
        11 weeks away from bank-            ited mainly domestic network        while those with travel cred-
        ruptcy while the airline’s debt     for cargo, mail and a handful       its choked call centres with
        peaked at A$6.4 billion during      of passengers. The balance          rebooking.
        the pandemic.                       was for a “Job Keeper” allow-         Qantas had to process more
         One area of attention was          ance to retain some staff.          than 415,000 itinerary changes
        its baggage handlers and             Keeping all staff on would         in the months of February and
        in August 2020 the airline          have cost over A$12 billion         March 2022 alone.
        announced an outsourcing            for the two years of COVID            Chaos ensued with chronic
        of that function at 10 airports     lockdown.                           staff shortages and ongoing
        around Australia where it did        Qantas was forced to sell
        the work in-house at the time       many of its 787s on a lease-
        with a projected annual saving      back arrangement as well as
        of $100 million in operating        property near its headquarters      “
        costs. The 1,700 staff were         to survive.                         The media in
        offered and did bid for the
        work but were found to be            During the pandemic Qantas         Australia went into
        uncompetitive.                      faced a unique situation in         overdrive responding
         Later it would be deemed           which different states opened       to social media posts
                                            and shut their borders often
        by the Australian courts that       with little notice, responding to
        the move, under the country’s       outbreaks and then the need         and tweets about
        complex Fair Work Act, was          for the containment of COVID.       delays, lost baggage
        unlawful, although the judge                                            and ruined trips.”
        said that the airline made           Over the two years of the
        the decision on legitimate          pandemic, Qantas was forced

                                                     Richard Goyder
                                                         and CEO
                                                     Vanessa Hudson

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