Page 8 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 8

SIA A380 Business Class

        thinking about what the recovery  course, we offered other incen-       Goh, a 33-year veteran at
        would look like. Our capacity       tives and credits if they wished    Singapore Airlines, said the
        went down to about 3% in April      to keep it as a credit, they would   airline did a range of things to
        2020 and we were carrying less      have some enhancement in the        reduce the need for layoffs such
        than half a percent of the pas-     value.                              as arranging alternative employ-
        senger we used to carry.                                                ment, allowing some of them to

        “So we had three priorities. The    The final and critical aspect was   work part-time and supplement-
                                                                                ing their income with alternative
        first priority was liquidity. How do   about how to preserve the air-   employment.
        we boost our liquidity? And for     line’s operating capabilities Goh
        that we were fortunate to have      said.                               The airline also communicated
        a very supportive shareholders,                                         with its staff the need to be first
        Temasek in particular, but also    “                                    with chocks away and therefore
        the other shareholders. We                                              what needed to do in order to
        raised in total S$23.5 billion. So                                      make sure that it was operation-
        that was fortunate because our      We know that our                    ally ready to launch into the new
        shareholders believed in us and     people are the most                 post COVID world.
        we’re able to support us and we     important asset that                “While there was not much in
        have since been able to reward                                          flying activities, we continued
        them.                               we have.                            to upskill, re-skill our staff, we
                                                                                continued to keep the operating
        “The second priority at the time,                                       crew or pilots as well as cabin
        was our customers, the care of      Without pilots, without cabin       crew active. There may not be
        our customers. And we felt as we  crew, without planners, without       a lot of flying as a whole, but
        always have that we have to do      schedulers, you cannot operate      we rotated them so that most of
        things the right way by our cus-    in air. You cannot operate flights.   them were able to still keep their
        tomers. So, at the outset we told  So, while we had to take some        currency.
        our customers that we will honor  painful staff measures, we told
        any refund that they wanted. For  our staff that any layoffs will be    “We continue to rotate aircraft
        us it was the right thing to do. Of  the last resort.”                  and while utilization was much

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