Page 13 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 13

Deal added that                      for shipment to Boeing since       the company can improve its
                                             the accident.                      practices.
        “over the last
        century, the people of               Issued two bulletins to sup-      “This is a quality stand down
                                                                                at a scale we have not done
                                             pliers to strengthen the focus
        Boeing have faced and                on conformance and reducing        before and I greatly appreci-
        overcome significant                 the risks of quality escapes.      ate our people for being open
        challenges. This is one              Hosted representatives            and honest,” Deal said in a
        of those times.                      from several 737 operators to
        We have to be better.                directly review our production     He added that “as I joined the

        We have to deliver                   and quality procedures.            discussions in the 737 factory,
        perfect airplanes each               Appointed a recognized            I heard frank feedback from
                                                                                teammates who brought forward
        and every time.”                     safety and quality leader,         ideas to clarify work instructions,

          Boeing 737 MAX 9 First Flight

        Boeing has rolled out a series of    Admiral Kirkland Donald, to        strengthen training programs
        changes which include:               complete an independent            and improve other practices.”
                                             assessment of our Quality
          Instituted additional con-        Management System.                 Deal said that “Elizabeth
          trols at Boeing and Spirit                                            Lund (SVP & GM of Airplane
          AeroSystems to eliminate          Then in an unprecedented move  Programs for BCA) and the
          quality escapes for the mid-exit   Boeing paused 737 production       Airplane Programs team are
          door plug and similar struc-      and delivery activities for a day   reviewing the hundreds of
          tures and assemblies.             with more than 10,000 work-         opportunities and prioritizing
                                            ers across Renton, Seattle and      improvements that should be
          Inspected and approved the       Moses Lake stopping to refo-        implemented first. We will hold
          first 737 fuselages from Spirit   cus on safety and discuss how       these quality stand downs at

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 | 13
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