Page 12 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 12
year Boeing will delivery 540 But it adds in a warning that Boeing Commercial Airplanes
serious jeopardy of significant “ with a mammoth task to restore
and will be 30 aircraft less than
CEO Stan Deal is now faced
the 670 planned for 2025. The
certification of the other two
airline and passenger con-
models of the MAX is now is
fidence in Boeing. In a staff
delays with Bernstein suggesting while this is all good, memo, he told workers that “our
the proof will be in the
long-term focus is on improv-
a slippage to 2025.
results, as we heard ing our quality so that we can
The loss of confidence in Boeing about a renewed regain the confidence of our
is a deeper and wider issue. quality focus at Boeing customers, our regulator and the
flying public. Frankly, we have
Bernstein in its report “Boeing: after the 2018-19 MAX disappointed and let them down.
Working for the clampdown - accidents and quality We are deeply sorry for the
What are we going to do now?” issues have persisted.” significant disruption and frus-
says it has “heard worries that tration for our customers, some
customers would move away Of course, Airbus has had its of whom have been publicly
from Boeing due to safety con- and unfairly criticized. We have
cerns” and it adds that “Boeing issues as well with the durabil- heard from our regulator, which
clearly needs to move its quality ity of the GTF engine causing has announced it won’t allow
control to a higher standard. airlines significant grief. Berstein 737 MAX production increases
That is what Boeing is focused notes that “Ryanair CEO
on based on CEO Calhoun’s O’Leary was talking about how until they are satisfied, we have
statements in Washington and fortunate they were to have a improved our quality control. We
announced efforts to address 737MAX fleet rather than a GTF- own these issues and will make
quality concerns.” powered A320 fleet.” them right.”
Stan Deal talks with Boeing 737 workers