Page 11 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 11

significantly higher than that of   The inactivated door plug on the
                                            Boeing’s (4700) so its ability to   MAX-9 is not the issue as it’s
                                            “manufacturer” a couple of hun-     identical to that on the legacy
                                            dred delivery slots when United     737-900ER which has clocked
                                            wants them is almost impossible     up 10 million hours without
                                            in an extremely tight market.       incident and Airbus’s A321 also
                                                                                has door plugs as well what
                                            United is the second largest        is at issue is Boeing’s quality
                                            user of the 737, after Southwest    oversight.
                                            with 40 737-700s, 141 -800s,
                                            12 -900s and 136 – 900ERs. Its      Because of this oversight along
                                            MAX family commitments are 80       with other breaches around
                                            -MAX 8s, 79 -MAX 9s and 388         production Boeing now faces
                                                                                a multitude of issues that are
                                            MAX 10s on order.                   almost as great as those of
                                                                                the MAX crashes, with FAA
                  Scott Kirby               United already has a signifi-       audits, an unprecedented cap
              CEO of United Airlines        cant fleet of Airbus jets with      on planned production ramp
                                            172 A319/A320 in its fleet plus     ups of the MAX, delays in certi-
                                            3 A321neos with another 127
        Kirby added in a positive note      A321neos on order along with        fication of two MAX models and
        however “we need Boeing to          50 A321XLRs.                        the flagship 777-9 and a wider
        succeed. But they’ve been                                               longer-term loss of confidence in
        having these consistent manu-       United like Alaska Airlines is      the name Boeing.
        facturing challenges. They need     well into the inspection process
        to take action here.”               of getting its MAX 9s back into     The new FAA MAX production
                                                                                audits will be far longer and a
                                            service and Kirby says he has       planned rate hike from 38 air-
        Those production incidents have                                         craft a month to 42 planned for
        been multiple and impacted          “a lot of confidence                January went o`n ice and is
        both the 737 and 787, for which                                         not expected to take place
        United is also the biggest cus-     in the safety of these              till the 2nd quarter of this
        tomer.  The Boeing woes are         airplanes, particularly             calendar year.
        incredibly frustrating for Kirby as   since we know what
        he tries to rebuild United Airlines’   happened with this               New York analysts Bernstein
        fleet and tarnished product and                                         estimates that instead of deliv-
        service reputation.                 Max 9.”                             ering 587, 737 MAX aircraft this

        United has had its 80 strong
        MAX 9 fleet grounded impact-
        ing up to 8000 flights a month
        causing massive losses not to
        mention huge disruptions to its
        passengers and staff.

        According to Kirby it will now be
        five years before Boeing can
        deliver the MAX 10 which has
        sent the airline rushing to Airbus
        for help and it may not be the
        only airline doing so.

        However, Airbus’s backlog for        Boeing 737 MAX 9
        narrow bodies at around 7000 is

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 | 11
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