Page 24 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 24


        AAM Needs to Demonstrate Safety Levels

          Commensurate to Commercial Aviation

               Standards for Widespread Adoption

                                        Jaiwon Shin, Supernal CEO

        Jaiwon Shin, President of            complexity and weight, so we        generate lift or drag (depending
        Hyundai Motor Group and CEO          have avoided that.                  on their orientation). This will
        of Supernal, tells Atul Chandra                                          impact the ride quality and also
        in an interview that eVTOL           The other beauty of our design      be very inefficient.
        operations must prove itself to      concept is the tilt rotors are
        be as safe as commercial avia-       always working unlike in some       So, our approach of tilting
        tion for market acceptance. Shin     other designs, which make           rotors will provide maximum
        also added that considerations       use of Lift Fans, which can         efficiency and also passenger
        related to safety, efficiency,       only work during take-off and       comfort. Our engineers also put
        manufacturability and affordabil-    landing. As a result, they act as   a lot of thought and consider-
        ity are key challenges for the       dead weight for the rest of the     ation into the rear end design
        Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)          flight. The lift fan blades also
        industry.                                                                of the air vehicle. This section
                                                                                 is reserved for the battery

        Q What is the importance of                                              pack. Battery technologies will
        the new SA-2 concept unveiled                                            continue to improve in coming
        at CES?                                                                  years and as a result we did
                                                                                 not want to integrate the battery
         The S-A2 concept will be very                                           system into the centre fuselage
         close to the final product. To                                          and wings of the aircraft. First
         come to this final concept, we                                          of all, it’s very difficult to intro-
         researched over 100 different                                            duce new and more advanced
         concepts, many of which                                                       batteries structurally,
         quite frankly were quite                                                       which will also require
         wild. We finalised the                                                          additional certification
         concept after four years                                                        because you’re actually
         of effort and a lot of anal-                                                    changing the structure.
         ysis and development.                                                           Supernal’s engineers
         This is why we believe                                                           have come up with a
         that the final product                                                           design, in which the
         will probably preserve                                                           batteries can just be
         the S-A2 concept’s                                                                swapped out without
         major features like                                                               making any structural
         eight tilting rotors, the                                                         changes or requiring
         wings and fixed land-
         ing gears. Retractable                                                            going through a certi-
         landing gears adds                                                                fication process.

        24 | MARCH - APRIL 2024                                                              WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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