Page 26 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 26


             Return of supersonic passenger flights

                                                     By Jay Menon

              oon, there is going to be     state-of-the-art technologies       to bring supersonic
              a change in the way we        to enable efficient supersonic
       S travel.  About 20 years            flight including carbon fiber       travel to passengers
        since supersonic passenger air-     composites, advanced avionics,      worldwide.”
        craft Concorde stopped flying, a    digitally-optimized aerodynam-
        band of companies are readying      ics, and an advanced supersonic
        commercial airplanes, capable of  propulsion system.                    The XB-1 was flown by Boom
        breaking the sound barrier.                                             Chief Test Pilot Bill “Doc”
                                            The demonstrator  took flight
        A new era of supersonic flight is   in the same hallowed airspace       Shoemaker and Test Pilot
        on the horizon, and supersonic      where the Bell X-1 first broke the   Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg
        travel looks to be on its way       sound barrier in 1947.              flew the T-38 chase aircraft
        back, with major airlines placing                                       which monitored the flight. The
        orders for the next generation of                                       XB-1 took off from the Mojave
        ultrafast jets.                     Blake Scholl, founder               Air & Space Port and flew in
                                            and CEO of Boom                     the same airspace that hosted
        U.S.based company, Boom,                                                many historic first flights, includ-
        which is building the world’s fast- Supersonic, said: “I’ve             ing the flights of the Bell X-1,

        est airliner, Overture, recently    been looking forward                the North American X-15, and
        announced the successful                                                the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.
        flight of its XB-1 demonstrator,    to this flight since                According to the pilot the XB-1
        the world’s first independently     founding Boom in                    met all of its test objectives,
        developed supersonic jet, at                                            including safely and successfully
        the Mojave Air & Space Port in      2014, and it marks the              achieving an altitude of 7,120
        Mojave, California.                 most significant mile-              feet and speeds up to 238 knots

        The XB-1 leverages                  stone yet on our path               (273 mph).
        26 | MARCH - APRIL 2024                                                              WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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