Page 27 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 27

“The experience we                  affordable than in the past.        supersonic flight – the
        have gained in reach-                                                   sonic boom,” said John

        ing this milestone                  Nasa’s Quesst                       Clark, vice president
                                            Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
        will be invaluable                  is working with Nasa’s Quesst       and general man-
        to Boom’s revival of                Mission and the two, early this     ager, Lockheed Martin
        supersonic travel,” said            year, formally unveiled the X-59,   Skunk Works.
                                            a unique experimental aircraft
        Shoemaker.                          designed to silence the sonic       “After the aircraft is validated in
                                            boom.                               initial flight tests, it will move into
        Two decades after Concorde’s
        retirement, the first flight of XB-1   The X-59 will be used to collect   the acoustic testing phase. This
        marks the return of a civil super-  community response data on          phase will include flights over
        sonic aircraft to the skies and     the acceptability of a quiet sonic   populated areas to provide U.S.
        paves the way for the revival of    boom generated by the unique        and international regulators with
        mainstream supersonic travel.       design of the aircraft. The data    statistically valid data required
                                                                                to help approve new rules that
        The XB-1 program provides           will help Nasa provide regula-      could allow quiet commercial
                                            tors with the information needed
        the foundation for the design                                           supersonic flight over land. This
        and development of Overture,        to establish an acceptable          would cut commercial flight
                                            commercial supersonic noise
        while establishing a safety-first                                       times to half of what they are
        culture in engineering and          standard to lift the ban on com-    today, transforming travel for
                                            mercial supersonic travel over
        manufacturing.                                                          people around the world,” Clark
                                            land.                               added.
        Meanwhile, Overture continues
        to advance toward production,       “The X-59 will com-
        with a growing global network                                           Supersonic AirForce One
        of Tier 1 suppliers and an order    plete ground tests                  Yet another U.S. company,
        book including 130 orders           including engine-run                Exosonic, is setting the standard
        and pre-orders from American        and taxi tests before               for faster flight with a low boom
        Airlines, United Airlines, and                                          5000 mmi range, 70 passenger
        Japan Airlines.                     its next major mile-                supersonic airliner. Exosonic is

        Overture will carry 64-80 pas-      stone, first flight,                working with regulatory bodies
                                                                                to support the amendment of
        sengers at Mach 1.7, about          later this year. We                 the ban on overland supersonic
        twice the speed of today’s sub-     are also solving one                flight. Instead of a blanket ban
        sonic airliners.
                                            of the most per-                    on supersonic flight, Exosonic
        Optimized for speed, safety,        sistent challenges of               supports a sound limit that will
        and sustainability, Overture is                                         allow supersonic flight that
        designed to run on up to 100 per
        cent sustainable aviation fuel

        More Booms in the Sky
        Besides Boom, Nasa’s X-59
        Quesst (Quiet SuperSonic
        Technology) mission, and other
        private companies such as Spike
        and Exosonic are also working
        towards reviving the excitement
        for supersonic travel that will
        be quieter, greener, and more

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                          MARCH - APRIL 2024 | 27
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