Page 29 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 29

Gasping for Air

          With investors largely choosing to stay away from the

                     advanced air mobility (AAM) sector, eVTOL

                        manufacturers face an uncertain future

                                                By Arun Sivasankaran

               he advanced air mobil-       has shifted toward finding new      but the United States
               ity (AAM) industry has a     funding sources and developing
        T serious cash problem.             the complex ecosystem that is       is shaping up to be the
                                            required to support advanced air  epicentre of the AAM
        Funding for AAM, which flowed       mobility (AAM) flights.             industry. In 2022, 60% of
        in 2021, is now barely a trickle.
        Companies are running out of                                            all AAM patents originated from
                                                                                the U.S., a figure that jumped to
        cash, and with funding being        The Nerve Centre
        scarce, industry experts predict                                        71% by 2023. Challenging eco-
                                                                                nomic conditions in Europe and
        consolidation within the industry,   The Asia Pacific region
        as well as several companies        is seeing plenty of                 China have affected investment
                                                                                in AAM; China’s share of patent
        being unable to meet their orig-
        inal timelines for commercial       activity in the sector              filings dropped from 16% in 2022
                                                                                to 8% last year while just 7% of
        operations.                         with several projects               the total patents filed in 2023

        Even as various electric vertical   currently underway                  were from Europe.
        take-off and landing (eVTOL)        in countries such as
        aircraft manufacturers compete      China, Singapore,                   Topping the list of
        to achieve type certification and
        wrest early control of the market,   Australia, Indonesia,              AAM companies with
        the nascent industry’s focus        India and South Korea,  the highest number of

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