Page 25 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 25
Q What are the challenges extremely high levels of safety. primary reasons for our partici-
that you foresee for eVTOLs IN So, if we cannot demonstrate pation at the Singapore Airshow
AAM? that eVTOL operation is as safe was to ensure building and
as commercial aviation, I don’t growing our relationships and
Blades will be Achilles heel for think the market would be open partnerships in this region.
everyone in the AAM industry. to this.
We will require tens of thou- Also geographically, Advanced
sands of blades and getting So, we have multiple consid- Air Mobility (AAM) could really
to levels of high production erations to manage, these are be very important for future
volume will be challenging. related to safety, efficiency, mobility for countries in this
There is also the challenge of manufacturability and afford- region. Many of the countries
low-level flight with AAM, where ability. Operators will also be here have a large number of
the operational altitude is below looking at the lowest operating islands for example, which
5000 feet, where birds will be costs and in our design, we can could support AAM operations.
encountered. Bird strikes will just swap out the batteries. We While it is true that the current
have to be taken very seriously will standout in the market with AAM capability may not be able
by the AAM industry. our offering. to support operations in many
of these islands, which are
We have ensured that our Q How is Supernal growing its separated by some distance.
However, battery technologies
eVTOL design is extremely presence in the APAC region? continue to improve rapidly and
robust to operate safely even future new AAM powertrains
if one motor fails. Each of our Hyundai Motor Group’s real that become available will make
eight motors is supported by motivation for starting this this possible.
two independent battery packs. brand-new business ‘Supernal’
We have conducted extensive is to advance humanity. As a At Supernal we are eyeing
studies and analysis of our Group, our higher level of moti- global leadership in the AAM
eight-motor system and these vation is to serve as humanity. space, when the market scales
have shown that this configura- So, we cannot just work for the up. In this region, we will fur-
tion is the most ideal from the U.S. and European markets but ther our global aspirations for
safety perspective. also must focus on this region, decades to come. As a result,
which is home to a large and we are starting to work with
Safety is an important consid- growing section of the global Government and industry in
eration as aviation has been population. We can support this APAC countries to setup foot-
around for over 100 years growing economy and serve holds and springboards for
and passengers are used to the people here. One of the Supernal.•