Page 37 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 37

A330-300 passenger aircraft         operations, companies               expand air cargo accessibility
        to freighters. According to the                                         to countless more communities
        original schedule, deliveries will   such as Dronamics,                 worldwide, enabling same-day
        commence in 2025.                   the world’s first cargo             delivery for everyone, every-
                                            drone airline with a                where,’’ he said.
        Meanwhile, San Diego-based          license to operate in
        C Cubed Aerospace began                                                 Dronamics’ flagship Black Swan
        post-conversion ground tests        Europe, sense a major               aircraft will carry up to 350 kg
        for its prototype A320-200CCF       opportunity.                        (770 lb) at a distance of 2,500
        in December last year and is                                            km (1,550 mi). The aircraft is
        moving toward the first flight of                                       estimated to be up to 80% faster,
        the freighter, which will be the    In November last year, the          50% cheaper and with up to 60%
        second A320 freighter type after    company signed an inter-            lower emissions than alternative
        EFW’s A320P2F for which it          line agreement with Qatar           modes of transport, including
        earned an STC last year. The        Airways Cargo, the first such       airfreight. The company, which
        prototype’s first flight is expected   deal between an international    announced partnerships with
        later this year. The company        airline and a cargo drone air-      Aramex, and the UAE’s Strategic
        also plans to develop an A321       line. As part of the agreement,     Development Fund as well at
        freighter conversion. The nar-      Dronamics will offer cargo          the Dubai Air Show last year, is
        rowbody freighter market is         services from any of its dro-       expected to begin commercial
        dominated by the 737-800F, but      neports, initially in Greece, to    operations in Greece this year.
        the expected entry of the two       the Qatar Airways Cargo net-
        A320 freighter types will provide   work - including destinations
        more options for the industry.      such as Singapore, China, and       In September last year, UPS
                                            the United States (JFK). Qatar      received a waiver to conduct
                                            Airways Cargo can access            with beyond visual line of sight
        Drones Fly High                     remote locations that Dronamics  (BVLOS) operations using the
                                            serves, such as the Greek           Matternet M2 drone. The follow-
        According to analysts,              islands, on the Dronamics cargo     ing month, Amazon announced
                                                                                that the new MK30 drone would
                                            drone network.
        another trend to keep                                                   deliver to customers in three
        an eye on this year                 The agreement has Svilen            U.S. locations as well as cities
        is the use of cargo                 Rangelov, Co-Founder and CEO  in Italy and the UK by the end
                                                                                of 2024. The MK30, which will
        drones for last-mile                of Dronamics, excited. “While       replace previous Prime Air
                                            currently less than 1% of global
        and middle-mile deliv-              trade moves by air, the vast        drone models, can fly twice as
        eries. With companies               global reach of Qatar Airways       far as previous drones, is qui-
                                                                                eter and can fly even in light
        like UPS and Amazon                 Cargo and their world-leading       rain, and other diverse weather
                                            capacity and service give us the
        expanding drone                     perfect platform to massively       conditions.•

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