Page 36 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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Dubai Airshow late last year, has
already bagged more than 60
orders for the freighter.
Another company that is working
on a 777-300ERCF passenger
to freighter (P2F) conversion
program is Kansas Modification
Center KMC), which in 2022
bagged its inaugural order from
Backbone Freighter Leasing
(BFL). The company has placed
three firm orders for con-
verted freighters with deliveries
expected in 2025, and options
for seven additional conversions
in 2025, 2026 and 2027. KMC
expects to receive FAA type cer-
tification by December this year,
with European regulator EASA
expected to follow in early 2025.
Industry analysts expect air- the 777-300ERSF
freight to grow in the 2-5% range (Extended Range While IAI and Kansas
this year, but headwinds persist, Modification Center are focus-
including the continuing recov- Special Freighter) is ing on 777-300ER conversions,
ery of international passenger great news for the Mammoth Freighters is devel-
traffic. The influx of passenger oping supplemental type
widebody capacity, especially in industry. certificates for both 777-200LR
the Asia-Pacific region, is likely and 777-300ER platforms. The
to put pressure on load factors Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), company has plans for up to
and rates. “We now wait to see which has various successful five 777 P2F conversion lines
what impact the airline’s summer freighter conversion programs at its Aspire MRO facility at Fort
schedules will have as well as such as the 747-400BDSF, Worth Alliance Airport. According
what happens next in the Red 767-200/300BDSF, and 737- to reports, a second conversion
Sea. We would certainly expect 800BDS, conducted the first test facility in Manchester, UK, is
to see a downward pressure flight of the converted aircraft also on the cards with the com-
again on rates once the summer in March last year. After type pany having bagged more than
belly capacity returns in the inspection authorization (TIA) in 35 firm orders for the freighters.
western hemisphere as well as December last year, certification Mammoth expects the 777-
China, where the travel recovery flights have commenced, and 200LRMF to enter service later
is by no means yet done,” adds the company expects to receive this year, with the 777-300ERMF
van de Wouw. the STC for the 777-300ERSF in following in 2025. AviaAM
the first half of the year. Leasing is the launch customer
Much-anticipated Entry Even before the first converted for the 777-300ERMF.
Boeing 777-300ER is leased by
As many cargo AerCap to Kalitta Air, the new Airbus Freighters
freighter has generated interest
carriers looking to from airlines and leasing com- Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) is
replace ageing 747 panies such as Emirates, EVA currently the only company with
freighters, the Air, Cargojet, and Challenge an STC for an A330 conversion,
imminent entry of Group. IAI, which showcased the but IAI has signed an agree-
second completed aircraft at the
ment with Avolon to convert 30