Page 32 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 32


                  LASER FOCUS ON GROWTH

         SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) is expanding its footprint in the Asia Pacific
          region while growing its base maintenance customer base beyond the region

                                                By Arun Sivasankaran

              IA Engineering Company        in Subang in 2025, says Yau         component repair capabilities
              (SIAEC), which will com-      Seng. “At SIAEC, we continue        for new-generation aircraft and
       S mission two hangars in             to seek ways to increase capac-     increases the competitiveness
        Subang, Malaysia, next year,        ity and improve productivity        of its component solutions. On
        is on the constant look out for     through Lean and Continuous         the line maintenance front, the
        growth opportunities in Asia        Improvement. “Our plan for a        company in August last year
        Pacific as well as other major      new base maintenance setup          completed the acquisition of
        regions, says Chin Yau Seng,        in Subang, Malaysia will            49% of Pos Aviation Engineering
        CEO.                                increase our airframe mainte-       Services (PAES), which offers
                                            nance capacity even further.        MRO and engineering services
        The company’s various business      The two Subang hangars that         at nine airports in Malaysia. With
        units have seen growth at vary-     we will be commissioning will       the addition of PAES, SIAEC’s
        ing rates as the aviation industry   represent our third base main-     line maintenance international
        emerges from the shadows of         tenance hub in Asia-Pacific         network has grown to 36 stations
        the pandemic. “With the strong      and will complement our MRO  in eight countries.
        recovery in Singapore’s flight      ecosystem in the region.”
        activities, our Line Maintenance                                        Growth Opportunities
        unit is seeing work volume that     SIAEC has expanded its
        is nearly at the pre-Covid level,”   component MRO and line main-       Being an MRO based in Asia-
        says Yau Seng in an interview.      tenance footprint in Malaysia.      Pacific, SIAEC is constantly
        “Meanwhile, demand for Base         The company’s subsidiary, Asia      look-    ing out for growth
        Maintenance remains healthy         Pacific Aircraft Component                         opportunities
        and we are carrying out more        Services (APACS), a joint ven-                       in the region,
        third-party maintenance work.       ture (JV) between SIAEC and
        For Engine and Component            SR Technics Switzerland, is
        Services, we are seeing an          an important component MRO
        increase in maintenance             shop in Asia-Pacific. Last year,
        events for engine and compo-        APACS expanded its long-term
        nent repairs and overhaul with      partnership with Honeywell and
        increased flight activities and air-  was awarded two licenses to
        craft utilization. We are prepared   perform repair on Honeywell’s
        for this exciting and challenging   Air Data Inertial Reference
        period as we move towards full      Unit (ADIRU) and Pre-
        recovery this year.”                Cooler Control Valve
                                            (PCCV) products.
        Betting Big on Malaysia             Among the company’s
                                            other projects in the
        With the recovery from the          region is its joint ven-
        pandemic and ramp up of             ture with Eaton, a global
        flight activities, MRO capacity     manufacturer of aircraft
        at the industry level remains       components. Formed
        tight. The company plans to         in July last year, the
        commence hangar operations          JV enhances SIAEC’s
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